Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can repeat the lie all you want but we both know Trump did try to steal the election. You’ve posted a lot of crap from partisan sources. The lies don’t stand up in court so you are now attacking them. You don’t even pretend Trump is going to produce all this “evidence”.

Long read but here’s how FOX played a role the day after Trump lost. Crazy person writes email, Fox puts on a crazy lawyer cites email as evidence. Trump cites the evidence and because it’s what you want to hear it’s true for you.
‘Tons of Crazy’: The Inside Story of How Fox Fell for the ‘Big Lie’

YOU are the one repeating the lie, that I am forced to repeat my true response to, sourced and linked !
Your repeating the same lie doesn't make it any more true the next 10 times you say it.

But I understand that is standard Democrat-Bolshevik operating procedure, that goes back to the origins of those tactics, where Democrats learned them:
Originally Posted by Moscow Central Committee, 1943
Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-semitic... he association will, after enough repetitiion, become "fact" in the public mind.

Standard operating practice for the Democrats, pretty much every opponent of Democrats the last 15 years has been labelled by them as "Nazi", or otherwise "extreme", "right wing" , fascist, "inciting violence", etc., etc.
Which by the way, is exactly what the DEMOCRATS are, every one of these labels. It's called projection
Absolutely shameless.