From your own posted Wikipedia quote, M E M...

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I checked Wikipedia on him…
“ In November 2021, Malone shared a deceptive video on Twitter that falsely linked athlete deaths to COVID-19 vaccines. In particular, the video suggested that Jake West, a 17-year-old Indiana high school football player who succumbed to sudden cardiac arrest, had actually died from COVID-19 vaccination. However, West had died years earlier, in 2013, due to an undiagnosed heart condition. Malone deleted the video from his Twitter account after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from West's family. Malone later said on Twitter that he did not know the video was doctored.[38] On December 29, 2021, Twitter permanently suspended Malone from its platform, citing "repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy",[39][40] after he shared on that platform a video about supposed harmful effects of the Pfizer vaccine.[41][42] In an April 1, 2022 interview, Malone made the unfounded claim that COVID-19 vaccines are "damaging T cell responses" and "causing a form of AIDS". Malone claimed that he had "lots of scientific data" to back up his claim, but did not cite evidence.[43] In July 2022, Malone, along with two other doctors, filed a lawsuit against Twitter for suspending their accounts, alleging a "breach of contract."[44]”

There is lots more but I think that gives you an idea of his ethics.

cross-pollenate with :

DHS officials created a 'disinformation group' at Stanford University to help censor Americans' speech on social media ahead of the 2020 election, bombshell emails reveal


How much more evidence do you need of an Orwellian federal/social media abuse of what they term "disinformation", that has proven to be true.
The vaccine DOES NOT prevent covid.
The vaccine DOES NOT prevent spread of the virus to others.
The vaccine DOES have more adverse side effects than any vaccine on the market in over 45 years. Whether it is in the tens of thousands or in the range of 1 million, these adverse effects, myocarditis, neurological problems, sudden death, ARE A FACT.

AGAIN: There are tens of thousands injured by the Covid vaccine.
My 29-year old 2nd cousin who was permanently disabled by blood clots caused by the vaccine, who requires daily physical therapy, my mother told me over the weekend aftter speaking to her, she has resigned to the fact she is dying and over the last week, and has selected her cremation urn. And you're too busy trying to prop up a false narrative to acknowledge this is the reality for at least tens of thousands, and plenty of suppressed evidence that those injuries are actually closer to 1 million in the U.S. alone.

I told you that I know an A T &T repairman roughly the same age as me, and he was about to retire, but the adverse reaction he had to the vaccine caused him to be hospittalized for weeks, and cost him $200,000 im medical bills, depleting his retirement savings to the point that he has to remain working.

And though I don't know them personally, the agent who sold me my cel phone told me that his very healthy and muscular Broward sheriff neighbor died from the vaccine, and his previously healthy and beautiful wife survived but was hospitalized for several weeks and is still not the same.