Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Posting a doctored video to depict a dead child from 2013 as dying from getting a Covid vaccine is a false narrative. Likewise a surgeon general altering data to fit their beliefs.

I notice the tendency that you avoid the over-arching credibility of Dr. Robert Malone, and his correct position that
1) the covid vaccine does not prevent infection, UNDISPUTABLY
2) that the Covid vaccine does not prevent others from being infected, UNDISPUTABLY
3) That the vaccine has adverse effects greater than all other vaccines on the market combined, UNDISPUTABLY, more than any vaccine in over 45 years, UNDISPUTABLY
4) that he is the creator and auhority on mRNA vaccine technology, UNDISPUTABLY

and yet you dig for some footnote to discredit him.

And I notice doing a duckduckgo search on Malone, that all the people bashing him are on the liberal narrative side :New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Factcheck, Politifact, Yahoo News, Huffington Post, Wikipedia...

All the same Orwellian liberal media sources who were wrong about the Covid vaccine, PROVEN wrong 3 years later, are he same sources ganging up to discredit Dr.. Malone.

Look again at the 5-hour medical panel hosted by Senator Ron Johnson that I linked. All these doctors and researchers were leaders in their fields and on he boards of universities and hospitals. And despite that they were giving treatments that were more effective and saving a greater raio of covid-infected people, they were fired, discredited, and blocked on Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and other platforms, NOT because they were wrong, but just to silence them, to prop up a false narrative.

I'm inclined to believe he is discredited for political reasons, than because he is actually wrong.
And in that 5-hour video, there are dozens like him. Unfairly fired, discreditted, and censored. To hide tht they were right.


