
I recall back while Barack Obama was president, Osama Bin Laden had this idea to assassinate Obama, and then Joe Biden would become president, and that would INSTANTLY throw the United States into a national crisis.
We've been seeing that scenario play out for the last 3 years.

And then we have Kamala Harris as vice president, someone even worse waiting in the wings. The deaths of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could only improve the prospects, ANYONE would be an improvement. I think the only way Michelle Biden would enter is if Biden died and Kamala Harris appointed Michelle Biden. And I think that's he only way Hillary Clinton could make it to the V P posiion too, her corruption and popularity has diminished for her to win a primary, only by appointment could she make it at this point.

Gavin Newsom has no shot for 2024. He could only successfully position himself for a possible 2028 run.

On the Republican side, I look at Trump as the most tested candidate in U.S. history. I don't believe any further poliitcal or legal attacks can be introduced that will lose him any more support, The Democrats and Deep State have thrown everything at him they have. And the public is still with Trump.

Governor Burgum of North Dakota just dropped out today, he's a conservative I liked, but who got no political traction, hence the drop-out today.
I also like Vivek Ramaswamy, but I don't see him as ready yet either, he's just building name recognition for future elections, and maybe a Trump cabinet position.

DeSantis seems to be the leading fallback alternative to Trump, but lately Nikki Haley is polling better than DeSantis. But she is too establishment for me, which is to say untrustworthy and not reliably conservative, who will just say anything to win.

Chris Christie I despise, and will not be surprised a year or two from now to find out his campaign has been funded by George Soros, Media Matters, and/ or the Chinese Communist Party. Christie has absolutely no agenda other than to attack and smear Trump. And tha attempt is not working or going anywhere.

Short of Trump dropping dead of a heart attack (and that is the same risk for just about anyone running, particularly Biden) Trump will be the candidate. And virtually every poll says Trump is the favored winner in Nov 2024.

I think it's too late for anyone in the DNC to replace Biden, the deadline for registering as a new Democrat candidate has already passed in pretty much every one of the 50 states.