
In my opinion, Mike Johnson is not doing enough, and is too slow to release the 40,000 hours of surveilance video.

The video either proves or disproves whether protesters did something wrong on January 6th or not (whether ACTUAL Trump supporters, or false-flag Federal agents or Antifa DISGUISED as Trump supporters.

And the video released so far increasingly proves that the "insurrection/storming of the Capitol" was almost 100% a false Democrat narrative, that the video PROVES they did nothing wrong, and many long-time political prisoners, incarcerated for purely political Democrat-narrative reasons, have been released as a direct result. Beginning with Jacob Chansley, the "Quanon Shaman" guy. Imprisoned for more than 2 and 1/2 years, who video proves did absolutely nothing wrong.
Tucker Carlson airing that video in April 2023, proving his innocence, is what finally got Chansley released.

Speaker Mike Johnson is acquiescing to Democrat and DOJ/FBI requests to digitally mask the faces of people in the crowds in the released surveillance. Which is infuriatingly opposite what should happen, it would hide the FBI, DHS and DC Metro police undercover faces, would hide that THEY incited, that THEY smashed windows, and THEY committed violence, that peaceful Trump supporters were blamed for. These agents should be exposed, arrested, prosecuted, and jailed. What they did is treason and war on the American people. And cheated Donald Trump and House/Senate Republicans and 74.3 million Trump voters of the ability to LEGALLY challenge the electoral votes in the illegitimate 2020 election. And that illegitimacy has now been proven a dozen different ways. (The CIA and Blinkin whipping up the false "51 intelligence experts" letter to claim the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation, Elllon Musk's exposure of the "Twitter Files" of federal agencies partnering with social media to censor conservative communication before the 2020 election, and maany other Democrat/Deep State tricks.)

Let the 40,000 hours of surveillance video be fully released, and be further proof of that.