Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
At this point I’m just assuming your long rants are full of disinformation WB. Jacob Chansley entered in through a broken door and there is video of him being asked to leave…
“ Many of Chansley’s actions on Jan. 6 are documented in video footage from that day.

Chansley pleaded guilty in September 2021 to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding. He was sentenced in November 2021 to 41 months in prison for his guilty plea, as well as 36 months of supervised release and a fine of $2,000 in restitution.

Asked about claims that protesters were led through the building, a Capitol Police spokesperson pointed The Associated Press to an HBO documentary about the riot, “Four Hours at the Capitol,” in which an officer describes his encounter with Chansley, including how he asked the rioter and others to leave the Senate wing.

Footage from the interaction, which appears in the documentary at the approximately 47:30 mark, was filmed by New Yorker writer Luke Mogelson.

“Any chance I can get you guys to leave the Senate wing?” the officer says as Chansley sits in the presiding officer’s chair on the Senate Dais. “I just want to let you guys know, this is like the sacredest place.”

A video of Chansley walking into the Capitol through the broken door is publicly available on the website of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

U.S. Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger lambasted Carlson’s segment on the Jan. 6 footage in an internal memo Tuesday. The Capitol Police spokesperson confirmed the memo’s authenticity to the AP.

“Last night an opinion program aired commentary that was filled with offensive and misleading conclusions about the January 6 attack,” Manger wrote. “The opinion program never reached out to the Department to provide accurate context. One false allegation is that our officers helped the rioters and acted as ‘tour guides.’ This is outrageous and false.”

To your point about me not having sympathy for law enforcement when it was protests from the left, there’s at least a few threads on this board where I think show a difference. I even started a thread about the Twin Cities burning. I didn’t paint the violent protesters as victims in any way or the law enforcement that was trying to restore order as the bad guys. I supported the national guard coming in. I think there was a lot of you trying to paint most of the protesters as thugs and deserving of rough treatment even though most were peaceful. Remember conservatives in general really hating the term “mostly peaceful “? Of course it’s different when Trump supporters are beating on law enforcement in a large crowd of MAGA watching it. There wasn’t sympathy by me for those arrested for trespassing or the sad and very transparent partisan attacks on law enforcement for doing their jobs seen here by you. I guess after supporting Trump’s attempt to steal the election this stuff comes pretty easy for you now.

What you say is such a lie that, when Tucker Carlson released the actual security video of Chansley from January 6th, it was SO INCRIMINATING that... Chansley was immediately released from jail. That's it. That's all.

Chansley didn't break a window, he only afterward followed the crowd inside and walked around. No police officer grabbed him, no one urged him to leave. As Tucker Carlson said repeatedly, there were at least 9 Capitol police officers who walked around inside the Capitol wih Chansley.
They DIDN'T ask Chansley to leave.
They DIDN'T try to physically make him leave.

Chansley DIDN'T commit any vandalism or violence. He came in after windows were broken and just walked around. I've seen nothing anywhere to confirm your allegaion that "Chansley came in through a broken window." That is a false or at best unproven aallegation.

So at the very most, Chansley could only be prosecuted fairly for "trespassing", not all the overblown charges of attempting to obstruct a federal proceeding and other charges, that under duress he was forced to plead guilty to, to end his lengthy prison ordeal.
And when the truth was revealed later by THE VIDEO EVIDENCE by Tucker Carlson, the Bolsheviks were forced o release him from jail. Because VIDEO proved he was not guilty of what FBI prosecuted him for.

There's one scene that almost halfway goes along with your narrative, ((slice and diced by AP) where several other guys were in the Senate chamber, and Chansley walks in the room and growls a friendly "Heeeeeeeeeeeyy" to other protesters.
But Chansley committed no vandalism or violence, and a few seconds after Chansley entered the Senate chamber, a Capitol officer (as you said, sort of ) sheepishly walked in the room and just stood there, doing nothing to encourage any of them to leave. And the Capitol officer said "Hey, y'know, just don't damage anything in here, because this is, like, the most sacred room in the building." And they didn't.
The guard DIDN'T tell them to leave.
The guard DIDN'T make any effort to physically make them leave. It was much more passive than you portray it, NOT a command. And as I said, there are many videos (without even the full 40,000 hours released) that show protesters in friendly interactions inside the Capitol with police officers, shaking hands, taking selfies, and just wandering around. Not at all how you try to portray it.

That's the closest to true of anything you said. And it's still factually way off the mark.

The VIDEO doesn't lie. And that's why Democrats are desperate to keep it hidden. Because it shows (in opposition to the Democrat narrative) what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.