Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“Any chance I can get you guys to leave the Senate wing?” the officer says as Chansley sits in the presiding officer’s chair on the Senate Dais. “I just want to let you guys know, this is like the sacredest place.”

Right there on video he was asked to leave. You can continue your attempts at disinformation all you want. Your loyalty to Trump and party over country isn’t shocking anymore.

That's garbage, and YOU KNOW it's garbage.

YOU have chosen party loyalty over country, as you continue to support a Democrat-Bolshevik Culural Marxist party that consisently weaponizes federal agencies against its political opposition since at least 2009, weaponizes law (in the form of "lawfare"), and openly worships Saul Alinsky, Che Gueverra, Fidel Castro, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Hugo Chavez, and many other Marxists they OPENLY QUOTE.
Bill and Hillary Clinton (HIllary wrote her theseis on Saul Alinsky, and is indoctrinated in Alinsky tactics, almost worked for him, and in letters expressed wild enthusiasm at the release of his book RULES FOR RADICALS.)
Barack and Michelle Obama. https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/barack-hussein-obama/
Bernie Sanders. https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/?s=berniee+sanders

Anita Dunn : "My two most quoted sources, the Pope and Mao Tse Tung."
Ron Bloom : "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun."
Mark Lloyd , on Hugo Chavez's marxist state takeover of Venezuelan media : "Very effective, and a good model to follow."
Van Jones, on Soros patterned marxist revolutions, by coordinating higher elected marxists and grassroots radicals: "Top down, bottom up, inside out."
Valerie Jarrett, in Obama's White House, described by staffers as "the second half of Obama's brain".

Bernie Sanders.
Elizabeth Warren.
A O-C and the whole "squad".
Cory Booker.
Hakkim Jeffries.

And pretty much all the subordinates in the Clinton and Obama administrations. And below in the federal agencies they've hijacked.

And I have already posted both the quotes, and Democrats quoting them IN VIDEOTAPED COMMENTS here, over and over, for years, all along the same lines of "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun.".
We've certainly seen plenty of manifestations of THAT on display since 2009, during both the Obama and Biden administrations.
And in the Democrat-Bolshevik James Comeys and Peter Strzoks and Bruce Ohrs and John Brennans, weaponizing their federal agencies even during the Trump administration, against the Trump administration itself.

Yours is the party of Marxism and chaos.
Oppositte that, Trump and his movement are trying TO SAVE and restore our Constitutional republic, from the monsters who run the Democrat party, and their deep state agents abusing our federal agencies, who are openly trying to turn his country into a one-party authoritarian Marxist / Socialist state.

I also notice that even after about 15 years of my citing the threat of Cultural Marxism and its close to unanimous control of the Democrat party, you've never denied that you're a Cultural Marxist. Despite how often I've cited how it infests and ideologically drives every corner of the Democrat party. From the Clintons to the Obamas, Bernie Sanders, A O-C, on down.
You certainly ascribe to their propaganda tactics.