Originally Posted by Iggy
...I was not, for example, big on Dems propping up MAGA candidates in 2022. It was short sighted and has helped galvanize the insanity more than may have been expected. I've never had a lot of faith in American democracy, but I'll be damned if this unwillingness to really confront MAGA isn't sapping what faith I have left....

"MAGA", that you and the rest of the Democrat/Left demonize, just means "Make America great again".
Which by the way, was Ronald Reagan's 1980 campaign slogan.
That in 1980, after roughly 2 decades of bad liberal / Democrat policy (culminating under Jimmy Carter's presidency) we had high inflation, high interest rates, stagnating employment, a weakened military, hostages in Iran, and across-the-board weak foreign policy. That emboldened communist expansion and wars in Afghanistan, Iran, Angola, and Nicaragua. Along with a flood of tens of thousands of criminals released from Cuba's jails into Miami by Castro.

Which pretty closely parallels what Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have been doing to the country in the last 3 years. Along with trillions new federal spending and trillions more in new printed dollars to finance it, that threatens to collapse the U.S. dollar, and/or crush the dollar as the global currency.

You idiots portray "MAGA" as extreme and a threat, when MAGA is in truth just the restoration of economic stability, pro-business growth policy, a strong military and U.S. foreign policy that deters and de-escalates wars, and creates national and global stability. As we saw during the 4 years of Trump's previous term from 2017-2020.

What we need is a willingness to confront and reject Democrat-Bolshevism, that only radical schmucks like you who have a steady federal or state guaranteed income that insulates you from the hardships Democrat policy creates.
80% of America is living from paycheck to paycheck or pulling from their savings or 401-K accounts to survive till Nov 2024.
That's just a fact.
A pretty clear measure of what is truly causing a "failing democracy".
NOT "MAGA", it is Democrat-Bolshevik policy that is destroying the country every day since January 20 2021. On the heels of the most peaceful and prosperous 4 years this country has seen under Trump's leadership, in 50 years.