The U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, are NOT a "loophole".
Except to authoritarian Democrat-Bolsheviks who wants to overthrow and destroy the United States, and turn it into a Marxist/Socialist one-party authoritarian Democrat state.

I've quoted over and over the Marxist-Bolshevik intentions of virtually everyone in the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations, and virtually all the prominent Democrat Senate and House members. If you don't see the evil on full display in their words, Youtube-linked, quoted from their own writings and speeches and interviews, caught on video by Fox News, New York Post, Newsmax, OAN, Project Veritas, and other conservative News, and even by many liberal journalists I've cited, then i is because you refuse to see it, or admit to the obvious.
Or you are a liar, who only PRETENDS you don't know what the Democrat leadership are actually about, said in their own words.

Democrat leaders have stated their intent as clearly as Adolf Hitler stated his intentions in Mein Kampf.

If you don't see Democrats' true intentions, it is because you are in denial about what Democrats truly have openly stated what they intend to do to this country.
What they have increasingly been ACTUALLY DOING the last 16 years, begun under Soros, Obama, and the Democrat-Bolsheviks placed in FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS and other federal agencies.

Look at what they are doing to the 1,100 January 6th prisoners, held in terrible conditions without trial or prosecution for 3 years, imprisoned wuh no due process, no trial, no conviction.

Look at an unarmed Ashli Babbit who they killed, and possibly 3 other Trump protesters on January 6th (with fragile health, who while peacefully standing outside the Capitol in a passive crowd, were hit repeatedly wih concussion grenades until they died from the trauma), without so much as an investigation.

Look at the same FBI unleashed on PTA protesters to woke indoctrination of their children.
What the FBI is similarly doing without justification to peaceful Christian pro-life activists.
6 AM raids on families who just peacefully exerted their Constitutional right to petition their government. Intimidated. Silenced.

And even more incredibly, what FBI did (beginning in 2016-2017) to spy on, frame, and file illegal FISA warrants to spy on everyone in the entire Trump campaign, and then continued the same surveillance ON THE INAUGURATED TRUMP WHITE HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR.
In the posts above and many more in other topics, I've shown images in my above text messages from insside the FBI by Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Priestap and other FBI employees. It was clearly not because Trump or any in his administration committed any crime they were surveilled, what these FBI supervisors did was abuse their power to spy on, do opposition research on, frame for crimes, cripple and depose AN ELECTED PRESIDENT AND HIS WHITE HOUSE STAFF.

FACT. Proven beyond any question.

And you try to say what I have PROVEN, is just "B.S."
What YOU SAY is a lie and B.S., I have PROVEN, sourced and linked, that facts of everything I've said.

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Yeah, no evidence whatsoever... rolleyes

Only if you are willfully blind. Or a liar.

Plus "the TWITTER FILES" released by Elon Musk, that again all alone could have rigged he 2020 election, as I detailed in posts above.
On and on, the evidence you try to pretend doesn't exist.