Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

We've been over this a dozen times.

1) Trump ordered 20,000 National Guard troops to guard Washington Square. It was Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and DC mayor Muriel Bowser who obstructed protection of Washington DC. Donald Trump has no blame, and nothing to apologize for. If he ordered 20,000 National Guard to protect washington DC on Jan 6th, it makes no sense to allege he "incited" riots and violence. Tha's just pure Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.

2) Trump in his Jan 6th speech urged protesters to walk over to the Capitol to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" voice their support for the Republican Senate and House members who were LEGALLY and CONSTITUTIONALLY challenging legitimacy of the electoral results.

3) As I've repeatedly detailed, the majority of violent offenders on Jan 6th were undercover FBI, DHS, DC Metro and Antifa ( i.e., >>NOT<< actual Trump supporters) , and even among the Oath Keepers were FBI undercover false-flag agents who gave them a battle plan OATH KEEPERS NEVER PLANNED, that the Oath Keepers didn't follow, but were framed and prosecuted for. Likewise, many who smashed Capitol windows and clashed with police are mysteriously unidentified by FBI and not prosecuted, even 3 years later.
All indicating they were undercover federal agents, their identities hidden by FBI, immune from prosecution.
And John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa group, who were at the center of he Ashli Babbitt shooting.
Again, it is Democrats and these federal agencies and Antifa who are to blame, President Trump has no blame, and nothing to apologize for.

4) Aside from Trump's Jan 6th speech on the White House lawn, all through the day about every 20 or 30 minutes Trump posted on social media, constantly instructing his followers to "remain peaceful".
When the breach into the Capitol happened (likely led by false-flag federal agents and Antifa, DISGUISED as Trump supporters), you exaggerate how long it took Trump to respond. He took maybe an hour or so, give or take, to compose a statement, videotape it, and then post it online.
You are SO desperate to manufacture ANY fake outrage to blame Trump for. There was virtually no damage to the Capitol building. A few smashed windows (again, likely by false flag federal agents, NOT by Trump supporters, just as the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping farce was completely manufactured by the FBI. And the Trump-hating FBI supervisor who botched the Whitmer operation and should have been fired or demoted, FBI instead ran a very similar false flag sting against Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6th Trump again did nothing wrong, and he released a video statement on social media in a very reasonable frame of time.
AND AGAIN: You have all this fake outrage against Trump, where there was virtually no damage to the Capitol, and a joint session of the House and Senate came in and finalized the elecion IN THE SAME ROOM just a few hours later. Just a few broken windows,tha took just minutes to clean up.

AS CONTRASTED WITH: ; 600 cities looted and burned nationwide in 2000 by Antifa and BLM in the months prior to January 6th.
25 people killed by the BLM mobs.
Over 2,000 police officers wounded.
An estimated 2 to 3 billion in damage to looted and burned cities.

In your native Minneapolis, FIVE SQUARE MILES destroyed, looted and burned, a war zone, AN ENTIRE POLICE PRECINCT COMPLETELY DESTROYED, >>NOT << easily swept up as on January 6th, NEVER coming back.
Businesses and jobs permanently destroyed.
>>>>NO <<<<< compassion about that from you, just endless fake outrage OVER NOTHING directed at Trump because he allegedly took an extra 30 minutes to post a video.

As I recall, a breach of rioters (false-flag federal agents?) into the Capitol was reported about 2:45 or so. Trump aired a video telling people to go home about 4:30 PM. It may have been reported in the news at 2:45 or it may not, and it (like many reports) may not have been accurate, and once it was confirmed after 30 or 60 minutes, then Trump drafted and aired his statement to his suporters at the Capitol. BIG. FUCKING. DEAL. Trump acted reasonably, in a reasonable timeframe.

The REAL issue is weaponization of all these federal agencies against Trump and his supporters, to FRAME them. At least 90% of whom did nothing wrong at the Capitol that day, and were tricked into even entering the Capitol, by people in police uniforms (undercover federal agents?) who took away the barricades before Trump supporters even arrived.
And other police (false-flag federal agents?) who flung the doors wide open and let them in the Capitol. ALL VERIFIABLE ON VIDEO. The video overwhelmingly shows these people just walking around taking selfies inside the Capitol, no violence, no vandalism. THEY WERE SET UP.

And the REAL outrage is that these innocent people were jailed for years without prosecution or lawyers, beaten in jail by angry Democrat guards, when they weren't even prosecuted for a crime. Jailed in dirty cells wihout even clean water, forced to drink by guards from toilets.

All because they were TRICKED into "trespassing", for being in an area that they didn't even know they weren't supposed to be in.
And then FBI and DOJ manufacured fake federal charges of "trying to obstruct a federal proceeding", and these people were forced under duress to sign plea deals FOR CHARGES THEY WEREN'T EVEN GUILTY OF, just end their lengthy false imprisonment.

But meanwhile the same 97% Democrat loyalist FBI and DOJ sets free almost all the BLM 2020 rioters, drops charges left and right against violent Antifa and BLM thugs, who ACTUALLY DID commit violent crimes, tried to trap security officers around federal buildings and burn them alive, blinded federal agents with laser pointers, threw Molotov cocktails at cops trying to burn them in their police cars... THESE GUYS THE FBI DROPS CHARGES AGAINST AND SETS FREE !

John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa pals were DIRECTLY responsible for the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. But while Trump supporters sit in federal cells in bad conditions and no bail, John Earle Sullivan is released on House arrest, and is free to continue posting his provocations and hate on social media.
But still President Trump at the very same time , has his Facebook and Twitter accounts closed, and was unable to communicate with his at least 74 million followers.
ALL OF THAT is an outrage, no matter how many minutes it might have taken Trump to post his video on January 6th.

And I might add that vice president-to-be Kamala Harris was bailing all these violent BLM and Antifa people just arrested for violence out of jail, so they could commit even more violence.
Maybe you should be offended by THAT endorsement and incitement of violent.
"They're going to keep going, right up until election day, They will not stop. And they shouldn't stop."

Your Democrat-Bolshevik party orchestrates violence at every turn, when they feel it serves their purpose.
In Minneapolis.
At the Capitol.

And in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 (where they again created violence by having Virginia State Police (in full riot gear armor) push peaceful conservative protesters (who were till then peacefully giving speeches at a podium in an advance-city-permitted pro-monument protest zone), pushed out of their safe area by Virginia State Police (VSP) in full riot gear armor, out of heir peaceful separate protest zone, and pushe by VSP right into the vastly larger BLM /Antifa mob, in a city led by a Democrat Mayor, with an all-Democrat city council, in a state then run by Democrat (and Clinton) operative Terry McAuliffe.
They had the police stand down, in order to MANUFACTURE "right wing" violence, when Democrat leadership pushed the pro-Robert E. Lee statue protesters out of their safe protest zone, and pushed them wwith batons and shields (ON VIDEO) right into the BLM mob that vastly outnumbered them. And thus Charlottesville and Virginia state Democrat leadership orchestrated the two sides to clash in Charlottesville.
I posted many videos documenting this at the time, in 2017. Many of which (I looked back) Youtube has long deleted. It was inconvenient to the Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.

Likewise again a few years later in May 2020, in 600 cities at once, in the nationwide George Floyd riots.

Democrats don't give a damn about anyone hurt, unless it helps sell their lying Bolshevik narrative. VERY selective outrage.