Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Mail in ballots in most states if not all couldn’t even begin to be counted until polls closed. Democrats like myself voted heavily that way due to Covid. It’s no surprise that Biden won. Trump had previously lost the popular vote to Hillary and that was with the FBI re-opening the case for her emails right before that election. Your proof is all accusations that wouldn’t pass muster in a court of law. Trump’s plan was to use republican controlled state legislatures to decide to keep their loser in power despite any laws to the contrary. The toady he wasn’t able to get in place at the DOJ planned on using our own military on all the cities to try to quell any unrest.

It's a pure and simple fact that in every presidential election I've been old enough to observe and understand (since 1976) , you knew by at the latest 6 AM after election night what the result was.
In 1976, the election winner (Jimmy Carter) was announced before 10 PM.
Likewise 1980 and 1984.
As I recall, in 1988, 1992 and 1996 the result was also known before midnight.
In 2000, it was around 2 or 3 AM when that close election was called for Bush (even though, like Trump in 2016, Al Gore's team in 2000 contested the election in three re-counts over about 5 weeks. And further, multiple newspapers financed their own privately funded 2000 re-count over the following months. But we still knew before 6 AM who the announced winner was.
2008 and 2012 were decided much earlier for Obama, well before midnight.
And then in 2016, in a closer election (and where liberal-media networks were reluctant and delayed calling states for Trump, way past when they should have already been called) Trump was announced by the media as the winner about 3:40 AM.

Contrasted with that, 40YEARS of prior elections, the 2020 election was not called for 4 days until the following Saturday.
And there were STILL ballots being added to Biden's fake total for weeks after that!

Following your assertion that mail-in ballots delayed the 2020 final count in a reasonable exception due to the Covid pandemic... NO.

Mail-in ballots have been used for decades in U.S. elections, and the rule is they have to be mailed early, and arrive by the election date.

But Democrats manipulated and rigged unreasonable and UNAUTHORIZED un-Constitutional ways that mail-in ballots could be counted, way past election day on Nov 3 2020.

In Pennsylvania, such a change requires votes in the state's House and Senate legislatures, followed by it being approved in a statewide popular vote before election voting law could be changed.
But the Pennsylvania Secretary of State drafted an executive order to extend receipt of mail-in ballots for, if I recall, 10 days past election day and still be counted.
then the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania then also signed off on that order, again completely bypassing the Pennsylvania state constitution's legal procedure to allow such egregious mail-in ballots. For that reason, Pennsylvania's electoral votes for 2000 should not be counted in he presidential election at all.
There were similar unconstitutional manipulations in the other 6 contested states.

But the main problem was the suppression of Republican vote observers after 3AM on election night, in multiple states.
Where they either forced Republican observers out of the vote counting, so they could not observe, or sent Republican observers home so Democrats could cheat and rig votes all night long
After Democrat election officials in all 6 states each said everyone was to go home, that everyone would come back and resume vote counting in the morning. But the Democrat counters stayed, and they cheated, all night long. Which coincides with a sudden huge spike in votes counted in Biden's favor at exactly that point, a sharp change from the entire period before the Republican vote counters were forced to leave. That exact moment, Biden got a huge spike in votes. WOW, WHAT A WILD COINCIDENCE !

As I've cited in this and many other posts and links elsewhere...

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

"The Deep Rig" -documentary, 1 hour, 46 minues

A documentary that cites multiple investigators, computer forensics experts, former military and intelligence field experts on CIA, NSA and communist-orchestrated insurrections used to overthrow foreign governments. All were asked to investigate insurrections by Antifa, and v,erify security of state voting machines, hired to investigate various threads of suspicious activity, taking them on a trail that led them to Dominion voting systems, and other NGO pseudo-grassroots insurrectionist participants in the 2020 presidential election.

The same methods the CIA and other intelligence agencies have used to undermine and overthrow foreign governments worldwide since 1945, these same intelligence agencies are now using to rig the last few elections here in the U.S..
As well as the 2000 BLM riots nationwide in roughly 600 cities, and the open borders movement. It mentions that George Soros and other marxist/socialist and globalist groups and billionaires are funding these NGO groups with enormous amounts of dark-money cash, as are the Russian and Chinese governments. To de-stabilize, weaken and overthrow the United States.
And the Democrat-Bolsheviks are all on board with this.

There is OVERWHELMING evidence of election fraud on Nov 3 2020. That is being selectively ignored by Democrat-partisan wack jobs, and those AFRAID of Democrat-partisan wack jobs.
But the evidence is there, overwhelmingly.

In 2000, the Republicans had no problem consenting to legal procedure and allowed multiple re-counts, in front of the world media.
U.S. election law REQUIRES that the ballots and all electronic voting materials be preserved for precisely such a recount, available for recount BY LAW , on demand. That gives assurance of the election result, by having its integrity assured and confirmed, by the party that lost.

But unlike 2000, the Democrats call anyone insurrectionist and "undermining Democracy panic" if they EVEN ASK for verification of the ballots, that BY LAW should be available for precisely such a recount, at any time.
And on top of that, in many districts Democrat-controlled election centers have wiped the electronic storage of ballots, and shredded the paper ballots, and began doing so in the weeks almost immediately after the 2020 election. So no re-count or verification was even possible, even immediately after the election.
What happened to legally protecting them for 22 months?!?
On top of everything else, that is a further suspicious action by Democrat officials, that even further undermines credibility of the 2020 election.