Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So much overwhelming evidence that wasn’t ever brought into court! Lots of debunked lies you refuse to accept. Pennsylvania for example had 39 percent of its population vote by mail in ballot in 2020 compared to 4 percent in 2016. The state Supreme Court allowed a 3 day extension to count those votes that were mailed before the election. As you might remember Trump was blocking money for the post office because of the expected surge in mail in voting that he knew would benefit Biden. Why shocked that it took more time to count? And these states were not under sole control of democrats. And people like Pence, Cheney, Kemp, Barr and many more are hardly democrats. You lie and keep repeating them.

Trump enjoyed the same ability to contest the results as democrats. Trump can even lie as he does about voter fraud. Like the 3 hour gap. The problem is he had no legal way of staying in power after losing and then pursued a conspiracy to defraud the country.

You can't "de-bunk" what you refuse to even hear in a court room, or investigate. There was no investigation, so how can it possibly be "de-bunked"?

There was no FBI investigation of election fraud, they just simply refused to even look at it.
But that same FBI
1) investigated a bunch of people on a highway who waved Trump flags in moving pickup trucks around a Biden campaign bus
2) sent a squad of FBI agents to investigate a "noose" that was alleged to be hung in a black race car driver's garage as some kind of racist message or threat (it turned out to just be a pull handle that had been used for at least a decade to pull down the garage door for many white drivers prior to him.
3) FBI sent a squad of FBI agents to investigate the Jusse Smollett alleged "MAGA" beating/ lynching (where Smollett hired two black guys from Nigeria to disguise themselves as Trump supporters, and Smollett paid them for it with a personal check! And the two idiot black guys were also on video surveillance in several stores shown buying their MAGA/Trump gear.

You tell me: Which was of infinitely more importance to the nation for the FBI to investigate, these 3 piddly incidents... or investigating election fraud in the 2020 election?
Even for a Democrat zealot like yourself, who eagerly consumes every drop of the mental baby-food your Democrat-Bolshevik party spoon-feeds you, EVEN YOU have to see that it was of dire importance that even if there truly was no election fraud in 2020, it was of extreme importance for FBI to fully investigate and disprove any possibility that election fraud had occurred in 2020, for the roughly 50% of America polled that absolutely believe the election was rigged.
And those numbers have only increased over the last 3 years, due to the highly suspect lack of election accountability.
Saying it's "de-bunked", and actually investigating and de-bunking it are two very different things.

In 2000, there were multiple re-counts, and then a private re-count funded by several major newspapers, such as the Miami Herald and New York Times. Those who distrusted the 2000 result were persuaded by the multiple re-counts, and the availability of the election data, for both public and private audit.

Not so 2 decades later in 2020.
Unbelievably not so, INFURIATINGLY NOT SO, regarding the 2020 sham election.

That there is absolutely no curiosity by FBI or DOJ, no curiosity by the mainstream media, by the courts, appellate courts, state supreme courts or U.S. supreme court (although Alito and Thomas and possibly other justices wanted to hear he case, but were blocked by John Roberts). Despite abundant evidence of election fraud by the computer forensics experts, cyber-war and information war / counter-insurrection military experts, and others in the video I just cited.

As well as many others I've cited in dozens of other articles and videos here over the last 3 years: former U.S. attorneys, former assistant directors of DOJ and FBI, and election executives, election volunteers, constitutional lawyers, mathemeticians and statisticians, tech business owners and others I've sourced and quoted over the last 3 years. As well as sworn witnesses of election fraud who gave signed affidavits to Rudy Giuliani and Trump's other lawyers. Signed statements, under penalty of perjury if they had lied, who volunteered in multiple 2020 election centers, many with decades of election volunteer experience, and even contract employees for Dominion. Postal workers who witnessed election fraud and forged ballots, and witnessed against postal managers who forced them to submit mail-in ballots for [Democrat] maanagers to illegaally backdate invalid ballots, to illegally let them be counted. 18-wheeler truckloads of illegal ballots transported across state lines. And rather than investigate or "debunk" , FBI agents were instead sent only to intimidate and silence the witnesses, to make them withdraw their affidavitts, uninvestigated.
ALL OF THIS cries out for investigation.

And insultingly, it has just been ignored.
That to me is the proof that the election CAN'T withstand the slightest scrutiny of an election re-count. That's why Democrat election supervisors shredded the ballots and blanked out the computer information.

ERIC COOMER, DOMINION VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF SYSTEMS SECURITY: A member of Antifa, who posted endless years of ranting posts of his intense hate for Trump and for Republicans in general: "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that."
And as mentioned in the video, he downloaded software about 3 AM on election night observed by election workers, to make "fucking sure".

And you think none of this warrants the slightest investigation?!?
None of this has been "de-bunked". To de-bunk, you have to actually investigate.