Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You’re just repeating debunked lies as facts. Trump had more recounts in 2020 than there were in 2000. But he knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. And they have more lawsuits. If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case. You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial. I see no expectation from you or other maga’s for Trump to actually bring evidence into court and win on the merits.

Ignoring Iggy's pointless ignorant dickhead insults, you still make no honest point, M E M.
And you pack a ton of lies into every sentence of your one short paragraph.

1) As I already said, while Trump demanded re-counts in all the 6 contested states, that re-count mostly never happened, because Democrat election supervisors in those states obstructed it.
ONLY in Maricopa county was there something resembling a full re-count, and even there Dominion officials refused to surrender the passwords to permit a complete re-count. And the local Maricopa election executtives, not even having access o their own passwords, had to take Dominion's word for the result, and CLEARLY were never able to verify it independently themselves, or ever even tried to.
(As compared to Florida in the 2000 election, where a full re-count was done of the entire state, THREE TIMES in front of the global media. Despite every attempt by Gore and the Democrats to rig the 2000 Florida re-counts, attempting to only re-count the counties where Gore/Democrats were likely to gain votes, and attempting to exclude overseas military ballots that they knew favored Bush and the Republicans. )
So as thorough as the 2020 Maricopa County re-count was, the Democrats there never allowed a full re-count, obstructed and blanked out the voter memory of computers and flash drives.
And that's as close to a "full re-count" that Democrats permitted in any of the 6 contested states.
And nationwide, Democrats (required by federal law to hold for re-count 22 months all paper and electronic ballots and voter machines) instead shredded the ballots and wiped the systems that would have allowed a REAL re-count.
And you somehow defend the indefensible, and pretend, and front the narrative that it was the "most secure election ever". It was NOT.

2) It wasn't Bush in 2000 who got all the recounts. It was Democrats who demanded recount after recount, and wanted to count forever, and wanted to do so until they got a count that went for Gore, so they could throw doubt on the THREE previous counts that each time found Bush the winner in 2000. And finally the U.S. Supreme Court (after the Democrat-leaning Florida state supreme court refused to, prior to that, TWICE) the U S S C finally said okay, that's 3 re-counts, that's enough, and declared W. Bush the winner.

3) Re: your saying "But he [Trump] knew counting votes wouldn’t keep him in power so he tried staying in power by having multiple sets of fake electors replace the real ones. "
That is very science fictional wishful thinking on your part, that ignores the facts. Going back to a least the 1960 JFK election, presidents have had alternative sets of electors picked, just in case in a close contest for a state they turned out to declare JFK in 1960 (or Trump in 2020) the winner. You imply dishonesty about Trump's clear intent for alternate electors, for doing exactly what JFK and other Democrats have done, in many previous elections. Another false Demorat narrative, to demonize Trump.

4) Re: your saying; " And Dominion actually had FOX pay a huge sum for its lies. "
That again is dishonest spin.
Fox News didn't "lie", they chose to end the case and make a cash settlement, rather than prolong the legal expense in court, and open themselves up to discovery of all their internal e-mails and texts about internal Fox matters unrelated to the case, that could reveal a lot Fox didn't want known about their internal communications and strategy. As I discussed before regarding this case (and you lied about) Fox News is a $ 20 billion company, and they made a settlement with Dominion for less than 1 billion, or less than 5% of their total worth.

Frankly I'm not the fan of Fox News that I once was, for reasons previously stated, but still, they are not guilty of what you accuse them of.
They didn't lose, they made a settlement, CHOSE to end the case, that is not the same thing as being guilty of anything. Fox just agreed not to continue saying Dominion rigged the election, and made a partial cash settlement to Dominion as part of the deal. Dominion wanted Maria Bartiromo, Judge Jeannine Pirro, and Lou Dobbs fired. Fox only agreed to fire Lou Dobbs, the others are stilll at Fox.

5) Re your saying : "If you actually believed the lies you like repeating I would think you would have an issue with Trump trying to delay the Jack Smith case."
The "Lies I keep repeating" are the truth, and I've repeatedly sourced and linked to the FACTS that prove them true, you liar (trying to PORTRAY ME as a liar).

It's not Trump who is delaying the case, it is proven Democrat partisan hack Jack Smith (banished to The Hague in Europe for his past partisan legal failures and abuses) that is trying to FAST TRACK the case, for purely political reasons, to give political advantage to Democrats in the 2024 election.
In his eagerness to indict and complete a trial of Trump in a rigged Democrat prosecution, with a rigged judge-shopped Democrat-partisan judge, before an over 90% Democrat jury venue, in an attempt to fast-track and get a rigged Democrat political verdict before the 2024 election. And do so before a less Democrat-partisan higher appellate or Supreme Court can reverse that verdict, that would not happen ttill AFTER the 2024 election.
WHAT THE CONSTITUTION SAYS is that Trump (as the accused) is entitled to a speedy trial, but it does NOT entitle the state (in prosecutor Jack Smith) to a speedy trial. Jack Smith has an army of DOJ lawyers to help fast-track the case, and worked on the Trump case in secrecy for years, before they finally dropped an indictment on an unsuspecting Trump. While Trump and his smaller legal team need more time to examine all the evidence, to make a case in Trump's defense. That Jack Smith fast-tracking the case is intended to prevent, or at least make Trump's lawyers less prepared for. Add to that how DOJ and FBI and leftist groups are intimidating and indicting any lawyers who defend Trump, so that few lawyers are willing to even defend Trump.
Trump is living a real-world version of Kafka's The Trial

6) Re: your saying: "You know it’s all bullshit that won’t stand in up in court. Trump had all these years and resources to bring any evidence into court and he didn’t. Now it’s a game of trying to win another election and then avoid justice by using his power to not have a trial.BLA BLA BLA"
For all your attempts to portray it otherwise, I know everything that YOU are saying is "bullshit", spoon-fed to you by George Orwell's CNN and MSNBC. It is a Democrat-Bolshevik NARRATIVE about Trump, NOT the truth.
And your side has been trying without success for 9 YEARS to manufacture muliple lying narrative slanders and bogus federal and state investigations to destroy Trump.
But Trump has proven to be far more honest in his personal life and business records than you and the Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI could have ever dreamed.

With every new attempt by the Democrat-Bolshevik side to manufacture yet another new slander of Trump, it is increasingly clear to a majority of voters that the Democrats and their 97% Democrat-zealot FBI/DOJ agents are the ones who are lying, and weaponizing government just to destroy Trump, just because he is a political obstacle to their keeping power.
NO OTHER REASON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

7) Trump has ALREADY been found innocent of multiple accusations, investigations, impeachments, and a fake NSC "whistleblower" report (that was in truth an amalgam of TWO people, Eric Ciaramela, and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, further secretly aided by Adam Schiff and lawyers organized in Schiff's office, and further cooked up by CIA and DOJ lawyers, to allege Trump made an inappropriate phone call withthe then- just-elected President Zelenskyy in Ukraine. Trump disproved the allegation by releasing the actual phone call, THAT PROVED Democrats' faked accusation was the actual lie.
And meanwhile, Joe Biden, who truly DID do EXACTLY what Trump was accused of, and Biden openly boasted about threatening to withold over $1 billion in U.S. economic aid from Ukraine, if the then president of Ukraine (president Petro Poroshenko, prior to Zelenskyy) didn't fire the Ukrianian attorney general invesigating Burisma (and Hunter Biden)..
Trump was innocent and falsely accused. Biden is actually guilty of exactly the same crime, and openly gloated about it, ON VIDEO, at a CFR meeting, and yet has never been accused, indicted or prosecuted by he 97% Democrat-loyalist DOJ / FBI.

What I see is that Trump has been falsely accused and set up by the Deep State / Democrat-Bolsheviks FOR 9 YEARS, and has over and over proven himself innocent against malicious false charges. For 9 years.
And each new accusation is seen by the American public through the prism of 9 years of previous false accusations, increasingly perceived as made just to try and destroy Trump, for no reason other than he is not part of the Democrat- Bolshevik revolution.

As I said before, a U.S. attorney, Brett Tolman said on Newsmax that this is highly unusual, to have four state and federal cases against ONE PERSON, all at the same time, WHILE HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, no less.
The U.S. attorney said that the usual procedure is to let the person be tried for ONE case, and let the other cases be held in reserve, if the person is not found guilty in the first case. And only then hit them with another case, if the first case fails to get a guilty verdict.
NO ONE has ever been charged the way Trump is, not Al Capone, not Osama Bin Ladin, not John Gotti.
Only Trump.
Whatever serves the revolution, right M E M?

Your side makes up the rules as they go so they can abuse the law. And you, being a lawless partisan-Democrat-Bolshevik, are perfectly okay with that. It doesn't bother you in the slightest that FBI over and over for 9 years has violated their own agency procedures at every turn to maliciously attack Trump, send fake Russian assets into the Trump campaign to try and entrap them, send fake moles into the Trump campaign to inform on Trump officials or offer them bait that would have them arrested for crimes.

How an FBI lawyer (Kevin Clinesmith) faked documentation for FOUR fake FISA warrants against Carter Page.
And through surveillance of Carter Page, FBI surveillance (three calls deep of surveillance, on every caller) did surveillance on the entire Trump campaign for 6 months, and then continued another 6 months of FBI surveillance on the entire Trump presidential White House !!!

ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRAT-RIGGED FBI AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM: The perjury trap set for General Michael Flynn, to prevent Flynn in early 2017 from ferreting out the Democrat-Bolshevik corruption in FBI, CIA and the rest of the intelligence community, Obama/Biden's corrupt and illegal Iran nuclear deal, and abuse of intelligence agencies for ostensibly Obama's enire 8 years, to spy on and "unmask" hundreds if not thousands of Republican leaders. That FBI weaponizattion by McCabe, Strzok, erc., cost Flynn 6 million dollars in legal fees, and further forced Flynn to mortgage his home to pay for his legal defense, before being forced by his secretly Democrat-embedded law firm (Perkins-Coie) to take a plea bargain for a crime he was innocent of.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE DEMOCRAT-WEAPONIZED FBI: Lisa Page and Peter Strzok openly texting about using their FBI leadership positions to rig the 2016 election.

[Linked Image from rushlimbaugh.com]

ALL this corruption you ignore, just so you can maliciously accuse Trump, and cheer on the Democrat-Bolshevik state manufacturing charges to put him, this innocent man, in jail.

YOU are the one who ignores all evidence.
Otherwise you would realize that it is YOU who is so full of shit., M E M.
Wake the hell up.