Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ That's just the piddly false narrative the liberal media, especially MSNBC and CNN are hyperventilating about, desperately trying to front a new narrative, because.”

This is the type of argument you use when you can’t refute the evidence followed by some maga memes. It’s not a new narrative either beyond the witness coming out publicly btw. It’s also not the only evidence that Trump was moving the files in an effort to avoid handing them over. Your win here is that you prove over over again that you are a waste of time and you got me to waste some.

It's a piddly story interviewing a guy who doesn't know anything, who moved a few boxes for Trump, and didn't even know what the boxes contained.

So ultimately, the Democrat/liberal media narrative hyperventilating about this alleged "revelation" by this guy who just moved a few boxes tells us nothing.
Just like every other Democrat narrative for the last 9 years, each fronting to be the "bombshell" revelation that would destroy Trump's presidency or political campaign. Each turning out to be a big nothing, many of which flipped the other way and blew up in Democrats' and the liberal media's faces.

The bottom line is...

1) The boxes taken from the White House were loaded by National Archives and Secret Service agents, NOT by Trump himself or his White House staff.
The boxes were stored securely by Secret Service agents behind locked doors at Mar A Lago, with Secret Service agents patrolling the outside halls at all times.
And Trump had the authority to have the records as a current and former president. Just like every other president, and other White House executive NOT indicted over the last 30 years.
Only Trump is singled out to be framed and maliciously prosecuted on made-up charges.

2) After taking records from the White House on Jan 20 2021, Trump and his lawyers were in literally daily communication with the National Archives and FBI EVERY DAY ,and communicated with these agencies in a very friendly and cordial way, right up to the point that Merrick Garland and his FBI ambushed Trump and the Mar A Lago staff with a sudden evening raid, that was completely unnecessary.
Trump's lawyers made clear that FBI could have come and taken the records at any time, all they had to do was ask, at any time. And the frontline FBI agents who were communicating every day with Trump's lawyers were as astonished by the sudden raid as Trump and his lawyers were.
It was all a deep state / Democrat trick, a staged unnecessary event.

( Meanwhile, Joe Biden had unauthorized illegal top secret records going back 50 years, with loose top secret Biden documents in at least EIGHT unsecured locations from his 36 years as Senator, from his 8 years as vice president, that he NEVER had any presidential authority to have in his possession outside a SCIFF.
And these compromised top secret records were accessible in wide open crumbling boxes in an unsecured garage, right next to Biden's Corvette, open to Hunter Biden (who regularly did financial transactions with what Hunter himself described in a boasting text as "The head of China's fucking spy agency").
THIS is the guy with easy access to the top secret documents in Joe Biden's garage.

And at the U Penn Biden center, and at multiple Biden mansion estates and offices, and other university archives, NONE of which were secure. And the U Penn archives were funded about $25-plus million by the Chinese communist government, and probably crawling with Chinese spies. Documents that could very well have been given to the Chinese Communist Party either directly by the Bidens, or by being purposely left in unsecure storage for the Chinese to access.
In exchange for the MILLIONS both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received from the Chinese, in a treasonous sale of U.S. government secrets, giving "elite capture" rewards to Joe and Hunter from the Chinese government, who wire-transferred cash to a total of 9 Biden family members' bank accounts. )

But conveniently, Biden can't be prosecuted, by Merrick Garland and Joe Biden's DOJ.
While these same Democrat-Bolsheviks indict the living hell out of Trump, and portray him as dangerous with top secret records. rolleyes

3) Literally, every other President for over 30 years, and many other White House officials who were not former Presidents, have gotten a free pass on far worse and egregious carelessness with top secret records: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Joe Biden and many before them.
But ONLY Donald Trump, of all these, in over 30 years, is singled out for prosecution.

Particularly in Democrats' cases, FBI and DOJ find jaw-dropping ways to violate their own rules of investigation protocol, to scuttle the cases and prevent Democrats from ever being indicted, or even have their depositions recorded when interviewed by FBI.
While this same (97% Democrat) FBI simultaneously mine the landscape with perjury traps for Republicans like Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Jorge Pappadapoulos, and of course Trump himself.

Hey, no double standard, NONE AT ALL !