I just posted the evidence.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Mike Pence, many others, are undeniably guilty of keeping top secret records that they NEVER had Presidential authority to have outside of a SCIFF.

But only Trump is being maliciously prosecuted.
And all these others, who actually ARE undeniably guilty, with a huge stack of evidence against them, are given a free pass by FBI, while Trump is prosecuted to the hilt on made-up charges.

Hillary Clinton is undeniably guilty with her private server. But despite the laws she clearly violated ("gross negligence" for openers) , James Comey in 2016 announced with no authority that "no reasonable person" would prosecute her. Right after Comey just previously cited all the overwhelming evidence available to prosecute her.
Many FBI agents left work early and walked out of the FBI headquarters building in disgust that day.

Same thing with Robert Hur about 2 weeks ago. Hur cited all the overwhelming undeniable evidence to prosecute Joe Biden. Then Hur said, but we won't prosecute him, because he's a nice old man with a bad memory.