

  • by Mary Lou Masters (Daily Caller)

    The Democratic-held Senate voted on Wednesday to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas.

    The House voted to impeach Mayorkas on Feb. 13 over his handling of the crisis at the southern border, and presented the articles to the upper chamber on Tuesday. The Senate quickly killed the impeachment trial across party lines, with the upper chamber voting down the first article 51 to 48 and the second 51 to 49.

    Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted “present” for the first article of impeachment.
    (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Roger Marshall Goes After Mayorkas, Slams Him For Border Crisis Ahead Of Impeachment Trial)

    “We’ve set a very unfortunate precedent here,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said after the vote. “This means that the Senate can ignore, in effect, the House’s impeachment. It doesn’t make any difference whether our friends on the other side thought he should of be impeached or not, he was. And by doing what we just did, we have, in effect, ignored the directions of the House, which were to have a trial. No evidence, no procedure — this is a day that’s not a proud day in the history of the Senate.”

    The first article of impeachment charged Mayorkas with “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” while the second was titled “breach of public trust.”

    Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green first filed an impeachment resolution against Mayorkas on Nov. 9, which she re-upped weeks later.

    Mayorkas’ impeachment failed by a two-vote margin on Feb. 6, with [RINO] Republican Reps. Tom McClintock of California, Ken Buck of Colorado, Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin and Blake Moore of Utah opposing the resolution. The resolution eventually passed with a 214-213 vote.

An estimated 9 to 10 million illegals (so far) flooding across our border and surrendering to Border Patrol.
And a further estimated 2 million "got-aways" estimated to have entered the U.S. completely undetected, here to do god knows what.
Islamic terrorists, drug cartel members, human traffickers, Chinese military, drug traffickers, murderers, rapists, mental patients, as nations worldwide empty their prisons into the U.S.

The amount of illegals entering this country since Biden took office now exceeds the total population of all but 7 of the 50 states.
The amount of illegals is overwhelming every major U.S. city nationwide, like New York City, Chicago, El Paso, Brownsville, and Los Angeles, who no longer have the public services to provide for more entering illegals.
Cities are closing public schools and veteran centers to house the unimaginably huge illegal mobs already here, and still more flooding in.
And thousands of U.S. citizens are unnecessarily robbed, murdered, raped, and otherwise assaulted or victimized by criminal illegals, people who shouldn't even be here. To say nothing of the over 100,000 American citizens annually now dying from the Fentanyl and other narcotics now being smuggled into the U.S. at record levels.
To say nothing of the thousands of grieving parents for Lakin Rileys senselessly killed nationwide. By criminals entering completely unvetted, who shouldn't even be here.

And yet...
Not one Democrat breaks ranks and votes to stop it, to even investigate DHS secretary Mayorkas who has orchestrated this massive crisis (at the Biden White House's command).
Not one Democrat legislator breaks ranks and makes the slightest move to protect the American people, to protect the sovereignty of the nation itself, from an invading army pouring across the border at a rate of about 10,000 a day, completely unvetted.

How much do they hate this country and its people, to do that?