One other interesting anecdote about Kirby's death in 1994.

I didn't read this, but was told it by a comic shop owner, John Chruscinski, of Tropic Comics in Fort Lauderdale.

Kirby's death coincided with a big earthquake in Los Angeles, that preceded Kirby's death by a few days.

When Kirby was having pains in his chest, he went to a hospital to have it checked out, and he seemed to be okay. But the hospital would normally have done more tests, and because they were inundated with patients from the earthquake, they sent him home, for a follow-up in a few days. Kirby apparently collapsed in his yard and died a day or two later.

I don't know how accurate that is. But John has a lot of professional friends in the comic industry, and attends many conventions, so I presume he heard this from someone who knows the Kirby family well.