I enjoyed those issues too, Pig Iron. My favorite Jack Kirby Black Panther stories, though, are his first two appearances in FANTASTIC FOUR 52 and 53, back in 1966.

( larger images of these two covers)

And if you like those late 1970's BLACK PANTHER issues, you'd definitely enjoy what Jose Ladronn did in CABLE 48-67, that have a very strong 70's Kirby flavor to the art.
I especially enjoyed issue 54, which features the Black Panther.

( larger full-size image of this cover: )


One of my favorite Kirby collaborations occurred in JIMMY OLSEN, the first series Kirby did for DC ( issues 133-139, 141-148) from 1970-1972, immediately after leaving Marvel.


The covers on Jimmy Olsen offer a rare one-time collaboration between Jack Kirby and Neal Adams !

(link to clearer full-size image:
http://fullsize.138.GIF )

Kirby pencils, and Neal Adams inks, on this (issue 138)
and these other covers:

(links to larger/clearer images of these covers: )

These other covers are Neal Adams pencils and inks, without Kirby:

(larger/clearer images of these covers: )

These others are Kirby pencils with Mike Royer inks:

( larger/clearer images of these covers: )


And Kirby pencils, Murphy Anderson inks:

( larger/clearer image of cover: )

And Kirby pencils/Vince Colletta inks, with Al Plastino inks on the heads of Jimmy Olsen and Superman:

( larger/clearer image of this cover:
http://fullsize.133.GIF )

And Kirby Pencils/ Vince Colletta inks, with Murphy Anderson heads of Jimmy Olsen and Superman
(which was also the interior art formula for most of Kirby's run on the series)...

( larger/clearer image of cover:
http://fullsize.139.GIF )

And finally, Neal Adams cover pencils/Murphy Anderson inks:

( larger/clearer image of this cover:
http://fullsize.147.GIF )

On the interior stories, Murphy Anderson( issues 135-139, 141-145, and 148 ) and Al Plastino (issues 133-134) were recruited to ink the heads of Superman and Jimmy Olsen, to "correct" Kirby's rendition of Superman characters to conform with the Swan/Anderson Superman style in the other Superman titles of the period. Kirby found this annoying and insulting to him as an artist, but I actually like it. Because of it, you get to see a lot of variety on Kirby's pencils on this series. I own a page of original art from issue 148 (page 11).

These covers are an artistic feast by themselves. But I love the interior stories even more. This run, for me, captures everything I enjoy about comics, and Kirby's work in particular: A great mix of adventure, humor, a huge cast of heroes, and Kirby keeps the reader floored with an endless stream of new worlds and visual wonders.

[ **the medium size images were slowing down the server, and didn't show you the detail of these covers anyway, so I deleted the medium-size images and replaced them mostly with thumbnails, with links below to full-size cover images, that you can click on to see the detail, for those who want to view them. ]