Beardguy57 said:
Joe Sinnott is my favorite inker on Jack's work, with Colletta a close second..now, does anyone here know how to pronounce "Sinnott"?

Is it Sin - not? Sin - no?

Thank you, Wonder Boy, for making this thread fun again!


Well hey, it always was fun, it was just on hiatus for a long while !

I can't say for certain, but I've never heard anyone pronounce Sinnott's name in a way other than < sin- ott >

One of the toughest names in comics is that of Bill Sienkiewicz, which is pronounced <sin- kev- itch >

One I learned recently from an interview of the artist, Mike Mignola revealed the correct pronounciation of his name is < min- yo- la >.
But before and since I read the COMIC BOOK ARTIST interview, everyone I know pronounces it < mig- no- la >.

But back on the subject of Joe Sinnott, he is arguably the best inker ever on Kirby, and that is certainly the opinion of many.

Sinnott started out pretty inauspiciously, inking one lone issue of FF # 5, the story that first introduced Dr Doom, with time travel and pirates. But even after reading this story, I didn't know until later it was Sinnott, and it was pretty indistinguishable from the other early FF issues. It would be four years before Sinnot and Kirby would collaborate again, with much more satisfying results.

After 4 nice issues inked by Colletta (issues 40-43), Sinnott took over permanently as inker of FF.
And Sinnott, beginning with issue 44, and staying as the regular inker through Kirby's last issue (# 102), couldn't have started at a better time. Sinnott made a name for himself overnight when he took over inking FF, bringing Kirby's pencils to a new level of refinement.

And just in time, to be a part of what is arguably the greatest creative expansion of FF.
On Sinnott's watch, we saw introduction of Gorgon, Karnak, Medusa, Black Bolt, the Inhumans,, the hidden Inhumans city of Attilan in the Himalayas, the Silver Surfer, Galactus, "This Man, This Monster", the Black Panther and his jungle nation of Wakanda, a downright apocalyptic re-match with Dr Doom, the Negative Zone, Blastaar, Him (later called Warlock), the Microverse, and a re-match with Galactus every bit as mind-blowing as the first, the Kree, and their Sentry, awakened at his hidden island outpost on Earth. A re-match with Dr Doom in Latveria, witches, the Skrulls and a wild UFO ride, imprisonment by the skrulls in outer space, a clash with the Creature From The Black Lagoon, and several more down-to-earth single issue human dramas.

It was about 60 issues that, with Sinnott's inks, were truly "The World's Greatest Comics Magazine" as the cover proclaimed in the years they were published.

Sinnott stayed on FF as inker through Romita, Buscema, Buckler, Perez, Pollard, Byrne and Sienkiewicz, up until Byrne took over as writer-penciller-inker on FF in 1981 with issue 232.

So Sinnott certainly left his mark on FF, even long after Kirby left.

But for me, and I think most FF readers, Sinnott's inks over Kirby remain his best remembered.


"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."