One of the things that made ETERNALS stand out was the inking by John Verpoorten,
who worked in Marvel's production department for many years, before he was
recruited to ink Kirby's ETERNALS.

[ ETERNALS 2, page 1]

I think Verpoorten's inks were especially good on Kirby.

Mike Royer's inks, which were great in 1972, got a little muddy in the late 70's.
Verpoorten has a cleaner inking style.

Verpoorten died of a heart attack in 1977 (I remember reading he was over
300 pounds! )and others inked the remaining issues of ETERNALS that Kirby
pencilled after. But the Verpoorten-inked pages are beautiful work that lives on.

[ETERNALS 2, pages 2 and 3 ]

I also like D.Bruce Berry's inks over Kirby at DC in 1974-1975, on
FIRST ISSUE SPECIAL, plus a few other stories.
And on a few issues of CAPTAIN AMERICA when Kirby came back to Marvel
in 1976.

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
I thought his opening post sounded familiar check this out
He copied it from those guys!


Yeah, I stole it from August 31, 2006, then I went back in time three years,
and started this topic.

That's how I did it ! Retroactive plagiarism, all the way, baby !

The guys at the other linked topic, where you click-and-dragged posts
from this one to, must wonder what's going on.