Well this caught my eye. I was just re-reading some MIKE PLOOG-illustrated stories he did for Warren in the early 70s (before he came to Marvel for more money like many did), and I was wondering if he was doing ANYTHING comics-related at all in the last decade or three.

What was shocking, looking at those early-70's stories-- something I never noticed the first time around-- was how his style was SO heavily influenced by WILL EISNER. I mean, if you didn't know, you'd SWEAR that Eisner did the art on those things!! It's spooky...

I'm looking forward to digging out the few episodes of GHOST RIDER that he did-- Mike essentially designed the character of the flaming-skull-headed biker from Hell, who got unfortunately passed around to far too many artists in far too short a time (Sutton, Mooney, Tuska, Robbins, Byrne, Kane, Heck, Perlin-- an all-too-typical problem with Marvel back then-- or even now, for that matter).