I noticed that. Geez...

Thank God I have all 90 episodes recorded on tape (either from CBS or my local station a few years later).

I wonder if anyone's thought about putting the 2 seasons of the revival into syndication ALONG WITH the 4 original years? Of all the old Tv shows revived years later, WKRP was the most uncannily accurate. From the word go, it felt as if the old show had only been off the air a week, instead of 9 years. Sure, most of the cast had changed, but the 3 mainstays (the characters you knew could never find jobs elsewhere-- Carlson, Herb & Les) were still there, and several others made return appearances.

Also, I got the strong impression by their casting choices that they wanted to try and make audiences FORGET about Loni Anderson! Between "Mona Loveland" (Tawni Kitaen) and the blonde receptionist who was CHASING HERB (I thought that was the funniest idea they came up with) the revival show had some INCREDIBLY gorgeous ladies on it.

I wonder how many noticed that "Jack" (the British DJ who was getting divorced) had appeared in the 1st season as a member of the punk band, SCUM OF THE EARTH ? (Hmm-- maybe it was supposed to be the same character!)