I wish there was an answer for all this hate.
If I were an alien, disguised as a Human,
stationed here to observe mankind,
then I would extrapolate - based on current
and past human behavior - that humans
were a violent race with a poor prognosis
for the future.

For so many humans to believe the path
to glory lies in blowing yourself up and
taking as many of those you have designated
as the enemies of your belief is quite sad.

It would be so much more of a sensible
challenge to learn to get along - but that is
not an easy task, and there are so many
who are willing to die to prevent the goal
of world peace from actually becoming a reality.

I wish I knew what the answer is..I hope that
this planet and it's inhabitants are much more
than just a failed science experiment, orbiting
endlessly in a perpetual voyage of the damned.

I feel that man actually will evolve into a
being as advanced over us NOW as we are
are advanced over the very FIRST man like
creatures to walk erect on this planet a few
million years ago if he can somehow survive
the violence that so many humans inflict
on their fellow humans.

I'm hopeful. I'm pessimistic, too.
I hope the future will be a bright one,
in spite of humanity's violence.

May science, love, truth and beauty prevail.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.