I really don't see much to respond to in your post.

Basically, you've just responded with argumentative opinion to everything I've said. And you respond with speculations, speculating that I'M speculating.

You have your opinion, and have a right to it.

The one thing that annoys me is this statement:


Originally posted by Animalman:

As I've said elsewhere, all extremists are crazy. I generally look more towards the middle ground, because it's there that you'll most often find the people that have actually weighed both sides.

Implying that I'm an extremist, and that because I more strongly support one side (even though I've also repeatedly voiced criticism of aspects of Bush's current Middle East policy, and acknowledged the shortcomings of Western and American culture as well) that I'm an "extremist", and that I'm closed-minded and haven't "actually weighed both sides".
I've said repeatedly that I initially bought the liberal proaganda, and it was only as I continued to see more coverage of events that the liberal perspective (or in this case, the pro-Muslim portion of the liberal perspective) increasingly rang untrue.

I get really annoyed with the arrogance and presumptuousness of liberals, who dismissively box-categorize those who disagree with them, as "not having weighed" or "extremist".
I, and others, have an equally valid perspective, whether or not you agree with it. Your need to label me and others makes your opinion inherently and pointlessly antagonistic. Slapping labels on the opposition is not detailing, or helping, your case.


Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.

I get really tired of liberal rhetoric on these boards that relentlessly bashes conservatives, and consistently bypasses these facts.

What constitutes "freedom" or "repression" for conservatives and liberals, really depends on which side best represents your views.
As a conservative, I find the liberal advances repressive on MY beliefs.

And I am deeply annoyed by a news media that favors liberals, and relentlessly and biasedly portrays Conservatives as the repressors. It cuts both ways.

Best. Post. Ever.