Whoah whoah whoah. I was not implying you were an extremist. I wasn't even thinking about that, it was just about the farthest thing from my mind. I was referring to the far left-wing European groups you mentioned.

Just wanted to clear that up. Otherwise, I'm not sure what else you expect of me. You make some pretty strong comments, and seem to draw a very distinct line between liberals and conservatives in this matter. For example, when you refer to "liberals", you call them simply that, making no seperation between the media, the extremists or the plain, average, everday middle-area people. Please understand, that's not intended as an insult, I just think it's a lot more grey than black or white. That's not to say you think it's a black and white issue, I'm just getting that kind of impression from your posts.

Last edited by Animalman; 2004-01-30 5:31 AM.

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