
Pariah said:

The reformation of the Catholic Church? That was spear-headed by Ignatius I believe. Not Luther......Luther wasn't even Catholic.

Luther was an ordained Catholic Priest, A member of the Order of St. Augustin.

Luther was ordained to the priesthood in 1507. The precise date is uncertain. A strange oversight, running through three centuries, placed the date of his ordination and first Mass on the same day, 2 May, an impossible coincidence. Kostlin, who repeated it (Luther's Leben, I, 1883, 63) drops the date altogether in his latest edition. Oerger fixes on 27 February. This allows the unprecedented interval of more than two months to elapse between the ordination and first Mass. Could he have deferred his first Mass on account of the morbid scrupulosity, which played such a part in the later periods of his monastic life?

Source: The Catholic Encyclopedia

The G-man says: You are GOOD r3x29yz4a is my hero! rex says I'm a commie, asshole, fag!