I hate to say this, but I hated it.

Yes, I know Whedon has always said "self-enclosed" seasons. "Wrap each like it was the last". But still, besides the few great moments of the show, the ending was horrible.

Ending: OOOH SCARY. ZZZ. SO WHAT? During the last five years, Angel's tackled more than that on his OWN.

Yes, I know. "Each like it was the last". But I'm still bummed that the ONLY Sunnydale resident to visit during the last eps was ANDREW. Give me a break. Like Nic Brendon or Michelle T couldn't have *possibly* shown up. Busy schedules? uh huh.

Overall, an o.k. season, but the pacing was slow. It made that final episode feel rushed.
Hopefully we'll get a decent "Special Two-Hour Presentation" in the fall or something.

I will admit, Spike's poetry was a twist. The reference to "effugent". The Wes/Illyria scenes were priceless. If Greg Rucka could write Wonder Woman throwing a punch like she did there and showing some of that raw emotion, that title would sell.

I'll be happy when BTVS S:6 comes out Tuesday on dvd.

Last edited by KrazyXXXDJ; 2004-05-21 4:33 AM.