n'yall righty.

name: rob kamphausen

birthdate: august 24, 1978 (i'm 24)

status: single, male. dating very hot girlfriend. marriage is a looooong ways off.

eyes: blue

hair: brown

location: hoboken, nj (within a mile of the wtc)

aversions: capital letters, spelling.

habbits: i bite my nails way too much. don't smoke. drink (an extreme amount) socially.

profession: computer nerd. web pages and such. flash animations and photoshop rendering.

ideal profession: actor / commedian

why current profession: bills.

tv shows: simpsons, seinfeld, smallville, sopranos. s's.

movies: braveheart, terminator 2, field of dreams

music: none, really. dance?

heroes: batman. hulk hogan. don mattingly. my dad. (not in that order)

athletics: gym as often as possible. all-state in soccer and baseball (not in years).

swear: often

hmm... i'll update this with more later. but thats more or less it.