My name is Peter J. Pappas.......everybody calls me Pete.

I was born and raised in Morris County, New Jersey the greatest place on Earth.

I own and operate a restaurant with my brother.

I just turned 30 last week. I'm 5-10 1/2

I am of Greek descent.....100%......but All-American. I am the most Patriotic SOB you'll ever meet. I love this country very much always have. And I usually am quick to defend it when need be.

I'm getting married in June 2004 to a feisty Puerto Rican.

I am a moderate Republican who happens to think George W. Bush is a God. I'm moderate because I'm pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, and all for civil unions between gays. I think G.W. is a God because if I was President I would have made the entire Middle East a fucking parking lot by now.....and the tax laws we have right now are a joke......and he seems to agree with me.

I consider myself very religious.....I'm Greek Orthodox.

I will never forget what happened on September 11, 2001.......and I will never forgive the people who did it.

I went to Bryant College (RI), The Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park NY) and Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison NJ. I studied Business Management, Baking and Pastry Arts, and History and Political Science.

I was in a Fraternity in RI.....I'm a TKE.

I played soccer and hockey my whole life and now can barely watch either sport.......My true loves are Football, Baseball and Basketball.

My favorite movies are: Meet Joe Black(it came out during a rough time and it helped me put things in perspective), Braveheart (I feel like I can conquer the world after that movie), Batman, Tombstone, All Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, Ford, Patrick Stewart, Deniro, Val Kilmer, Cruise, Pitt, Jim Carrey and Michael Keaton movies......I piss my pants every time I see Multiplicity....and of course the Star Wars franchise. Also all the Godfather movies and really any movie having to do with the Mob.

My favorite shows are.....all things Star Trek, Seinfeld, Cheers, Friends, Simpsons, CSI, Sopranos, all things Batman and shows with women dressed skimpily.

My favorite restaurant is Hooters.

My favorite types of food are Italian, Greek and Chinese.

My interests include Traveling, WWE, Batman, History, NYC, Sports, Reading, Comics and Food.

See You Around The RKMBs !