I was thinkin' about making a new ID with my real name anyways, so why the heck not...

Name Jason E Perkins

What does the 'E' stand for?: Ya momma.

Sex: I'll take one of those, and two of them.

Age: 10/29/yadda yadda yadda

Race: Black (chocolate complected). African-American if you're afraid you'll offend me or somethin'.

Height: 5'10 1/2. Rec'nize the 1/2, bizatch!

Job: Aspiring writer.

Hobbies: Computers and writing (see above), track, weight lifting, movies, and comic books. No competitive sports, but I have a brown belt in karate.

Movies: That's a really big bucket. Princess Mononoke, Fight Club, Spirited Away, Malcolm X, Schindler's List, Casino (great one, Jaburg), Citizen Kane, Matrix 1&2, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Full Metal Jacket, etc, etc, etc. I'm all over the place.


Comic Books: Oh, those! Too many to list, f' shizzle. If I had to choose my fave heroes, though, I'd pick Marvel's Spider-Man, and DC's Captain Marvel.

Religion: Born and raised Catholic, but I'm currently playing the field...

Relationships: I used to be such a good boy, but now I'm one of them.

Children: Hells nah, playa!

TV: We've got a love/hate relationship. It destroyed my The Mole and let my Star Trek TNG slip away. I'll admit, though, to Saturday morning cartoons (I'm a big baby, I know) and The Simpsons every now and then.

Music: Every genre but country. No country in my CD deck, no siree. I've got this special place in my heart for hip-hop. It's just below the second ventricle.

Politics: If you've ever read any of my posts, you'd probably think me a Democrat. Truth is I'm an independent. I just happen to despise Bush with the fire of a thousand noontime Suns.