I had this really fucked up dream where my ex-fiance wanted to get back with me. So we met at a college and there was a riot, so we went and talked by the gym, but then I saw everyone fall down and get back up. Then I saw a plane drop a bomb on the school so I grabbed my ex and threw her into one locker and myself into another one. And then everyone got fire bombed, but it turned out the fire bomb was a supernatural Phoenix entity, and since part of its flame touched my ex, myself, and some total asshole (don't know where he came from, but I know its the jerk guy from Final Destination) without killing us, we absorbed some of its abilities.

So we could fly now, but I sucked at it. Anyways the Phoenix begins to hunt us all down, first the asshole, then me and my ex.It kills the asshole, but it doesn't kill my ex or I. But it touches us and reabsorbs its power, but it still wants to kill us.

So it goes after us and kills other people, but since we hide in lockers it doesn't kill us. So it keeps hunting us and killing innocent people until we figure out the only way it will stop is if we're dead so we kill ourselves to save other people.

Then my body floats out and I see all the other people that the Phoenix killed with no pants on and vericose vein asses and one of the dead guys asks for $10 for the coroner and the dream ends.

On a side note, I believe this post will be the thread killer.