Name: Terrance Kennedy the 69th (yeah, that's it...)

Gender: Male

Birthdate: June 25, 1982

Current Residence: Palo Alto, CA

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: African-American/Other

Marital Status: Single

Height: 6'

Weight: 200lbs.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black/Brown/Red

Occupation: Full-time Student

Education: Undergraduate, Stanford U.

Hobbies: Comics, Film, Music, Photography, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Martial Arts, Writing, Literature, Mythology, Astrology, Science & Technology, Theatre, Wrestling, Cursing, Making New Words, Making New Friends (awwwwww...), and the Ladies.

Languages: English, Ebonics, Spanish, Latin and Pig Latin, and Beginning Chinese and Japanese.

Religion: Born Christian, raised by a Catholic and Baptist. Now mostly Buddhist. Ain't that a trip?

Politics: Blah.

Relationships: You kiddin' me? I don't have the time to establish a lasting relationship with some girl Besides, I live in the richest area of all of America. No one would date my poor ass!

Favorite Films: The Blues Brothers, Fight Club, The Adv. of Baron Munchausen, ESB, LotR trilogy, Conan the Barbarian, Back to the Future, Akira, just to name a few.

Favorite Books: LotR, Dune series, Hyperion, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, The Sun Also Rises, Fight Club, St. Augustine Confessions, The Odyssey, The Illiad; there's more.

Favorite Comics: Powers, Savage Dragon, Babyhead, Private Beach, Ultimates, Ultimate SpiderMan, 90's Spectre, Sandman, 300, Watchmen, Batman: Year One, Tom Strong, Tom Strong's Terrific Tales, Akira, Way of the Rat.

Favorite Sports: Basketball, Football, Martial Arts, Swimming, Hide the Cheese, Find the Hoo Hoo.

Favorite Music: Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz, Hip Hop, Old-School Punk, Porno soundtracks.

Favorite Foods: Italian, Mexican, Jamaican, Hawaiian, American.