Who tells the truth in these things???


David Barker
B: 6-30-1972
Location: Cincinnati area, Ohio
Race: very white..ghostlike in fact...(irish, british)
College; Ohio State University
BA: English
Minor: Medieval manuscript studies
Minor: Life Drawing
Former Industrial design major...a bunch of wasted credit hours...

Occupation: Social Worker

Former Occupations: Bartender,maintenance, Pepsi Merchandiser, Insurance rep, and Graphic designer.

religion: non-denominational christian who rarely attends church.. [sad]

Books: Spenser, Chaucer, Hawthorne, Carroll, and most medieval and older texts. Hal Lindsey.

Hobbies: Comics, video games, and other stuff....

Movies and TV: Hammer studio films, William Powell films, Marx Bros., Hard Boiled, the Killer, ray harryhausen films, Tenchi Muyo, El Hazard, Nadia, all Hayao Miyazaki films, Akira Kurasawa films, Oh My Goddess, You're Under arrest, farscape, Kolchak:The night Stalker, The Dick van Dyke Show, All Dini/Timm cartoons, The 80's British robin Hood TV series, most Fiulm Noir, The 13th Warrior, Superman II and Megaforce ..heheehhheh....

Favorite Comic people: Kurt Schaffenberger, Art Adams, Alan Moore, Bill willingham, Brian Bolland, Alan Davis, John Buscema, Mike Mignola, kosuke Fujishima, Osamu tezuka, Masamune Shirow, and Alex Toth.

Music: various.....