Real Name: Lindsay Vitchell
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 5/11/78
Hometown: Don't have one
Current Residence: Maryland (I'll say no further as I am hiding out from someone)
Nationality: Caucasian
Marital Status: Married, going through a divorce but engaged
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Currently black, real...?
Occupation: Advertising, Marketing and Event Co-cordinator of a local Harley-Davidson...and student.
Education: Next Monday will start Community College...again.
Hobbies: Writing, acting and other such things
Religion: Wiccan
Politics: ...what that thing in DC?
Relationships: A great guy...nothing further
Favorite Films: I have way too many to keep track.
Favorite Books: To kill a mockingbird, all Harry Potter books
Favorite Comics: Lenore (From SLG)
Favorite TV Shows: Monster Garage, Monster House
Favorite Music: A little bit of everything. But John Mayer, U2, Tori Amos and They Might Be Giants
Favorite Foods/Restaurants: Italian