Real Name: Jeff
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 8/15/80
Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Current Residence: Oklahoma CIty, OK
Race: ?? Dunno, really. My dad is mexican, mom is white(some Irish background is all I am sure of).
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6'2"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Education: Graduated from Univeristy of New Mexico. Earned my Bachelor of Business Administration in General Management and Human Resource Management.
Interests: Reading, music, movies, swimming, comics, etc. Too many to list really.
Favorite Films: Too many to list. Ronin, Fight Club, Godfather, Snatch are a few.
Favorite Books: All the Harry Potter books, The Illiad, The Odyssey, and more (again, too many to list).
Favorite Comics: Superman, Batman, JLA, JSA
Favorite TV Shows: The Shield, The Sopranos, Arrested Development, Family Guy, Alias, Monk, and more.
Favorite Music: Oldies, Rock, etc. I listen to everything though I prefer rock.