Real Name: William (Billy) Heaning

Gender: Well-endowed male.

Birthdate: 7/4/79

Age: 24

Hometown: Ft. Myers Beach, Florida

Current Residence: Chattanooga, Tennessee

Nationality: Irish-Italian

Marital Status: Single, but not for a lack of
trying. Still dragging things out with my ex.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Dark brown, but it's shaved.

Occupation: Server at Chili's.

Education: High school and some college. Majoring
in secondary education w/ an emphasis on English Literature.

Religion: Christian (non-denominational).

Politics: Don't know much about the subject, but I'm a registered Democrat, whatever that means.

Favorite Movies: The Matrix, Star Wars, TRON, Blade, The Crow, Batman, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey, Desperado, The Goonies, Lost Boys, Pulp Fiction, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, and too many more to mention...

Favorite TV Shows: Simpsons, South Park, Chapelle Show, Smallville.

Favorite Music: Classic rock, rockabilly, electronic, blues, bluegrass, funk, and 80's British rock.

Favorite Authors: Jack Kerouac (On the Road, Dharma Bums, etc.), William Burroughs (Nova Express, The Ticket That Exploded, Junky, Naked Lunch, etc.), Hunter S. Thompson (Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Hell's Angels), Charles Bukowski (Women, Ham on Rye, Barfly, etc.), Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting), Tom Wolfe (Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test), C.D. Payne (Youth in Revolt), Jean-Paul Sarte (Nausea, No Exit), Aldous Huxley (Heaven and Hell, Moksha), Roald Dahl (James and the Giant Peach), Michael Ende (The Neverending Story), Lewis Carroll, and the poetry of Walt Whitman, William Blake, Alfred Tennyson, etc.

Favorite Superheroes: Batman, Green Hornet, Black Panther.

Hobbies: collecting comics (Batman, Detective, Gotham Knights, Legends of the Dark Knight, The Legion), smoking pot, reading, writing (mostly comic books, graphic novels, gad-awful screenplays, and Kerouac-inspired autobiographical fiction), doodling little super-hero drawings, lounging around downtown, hiking, swimming, chatting w/ you guys, and so on and so forth. Oh, and making out with my quasi-ex.

Pets: Proton, my cat.
