I don't think I ever saw this thread until now.

Name Brian Scott Jonopulos

Sex: Male

Age: born on August eleventh, 1977 (that means I'm 27 klinton)

Race: I'm a mutt. Greek (the dominant part) english, british, among others.

Height: six foot three

Hometown. I was born at Vandenberg AFB in California, and I went to most of high school there so I consider in my hometown, along with Sacramento. I currently live in Eugene, but once I leave I will never speak of it again.

Job: Baby sitter, for now.

Movies: I like a lot of them.

Books: Favorite writers include Ayn Rand, Micheal Crichton, Chuck Palanuick, and most the Star Wars novels.

Comic Books: I stopped collecting again, but I love most the Marvel Ultimate line. I also love the current run on Daredevil

Religion: Mormon, then baptist, then greek orthodox. Currently non-religious.

Relationships: I've only had one somewhat serious relationship, and have never really dated that much.

Children: None, but I spend a lot of time with my nephews.

TV: Alias, Lost, South Park, Family Guy, Conan, The Daily Show, among others.

Music: Favorite band is Toad The Wet Sprocket. I'm kinda burnt out of most music though.

Politics: I hate both parties equally. Undeclared

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.