
Okay, I'm in. Here we go.

Name: McGurk, or McG or Gurk will suffice

Sex: If you mean gender, Male, if you mean intercourse, undefeated champion of premarital abstinence.

Race: 25% Russian (I'm distantly related to Tchaikovsky the composer), 25% Italian, 25% Irish, 12.5% Swedish, 12.5% German

Height: six foot three

Hometown: Born in Miami, now in Palm Beach (native Floridian).

Job: Working part time at a sub shop, but slowly in the process of switching careers, more to be known later.

Movies: Not really sure, but I liked Transformers the Movie and just about every Muppet Movie, and both Bill & Ted movies.

Comic Books: The Superman titles (including Superman/Batman) and Justice League Unlimited, but in a few months or so I'll be taking a break from current issues for practical reasons, and I may try out what rex is doing and stick to paperbacks.

Religion: Christian, non-denominational, non-preacher to total strangers, non-willing to be preached by total strangers.

Relationships: Single, broke up with last girlfriend in 2001, haven't been on one date since, and going for five years of blissfull singlehood which will be this coming January or February! Waka waka doodle yeah!

Children: Not till I'm married.

Grandchildren: Way down the list.

sisters: Three

brothers: none

Neices: Two

Nephews: Five

TV: As of recently, I watch Judge Judy, Justice League Unlimited, Simpsons, Smallville, King of the Hill, Kirby, TMNT, Transformers Energon, ummm, that's all I recall right now

Music: Don't really have any favorites, but I like Weird Al

favorite salad dressing: bleu cheese

shampoo: Herbal Essenses. I haven't cut my hair since 1992, so it helps a lot.

favorite colors: red, I suppose

do you make fun of people?: sometimes

how many pillows?: two

crutons or bacon bits?: both

have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No.

have you ever gone skinny dipping?: No.

Pets: No

drive now: 2003 Nissan Altima

first car: 1992 Ford Thunderbird

toothpaste: Don't care.

do you get along with your parents?: Father, much better than I used to cause I can't just tell him anything, mother passed away but we were on good terms when we last talked.

Do you get along with your inlaws?: Yes

Favorite ice cream: Bubble Gum, from this place a few walks from work.

Favorite soda: Sprite or 7up

Favorite family game: Muppets version of Monopoly or Stratego

What is your bad time of day: Don't really have one.

Favorite time of year: The very instant these allergies go away, assuming it's something in the area.

Favorite cologne or perfume: Don't have one

Favorite time to have sex: I wouldn't know.

Favorite place to have sex: I wouldn't know that either.

Favorite movie you have seen lately: Only saw Star Wars Ep III recently, and it was really good.

Favorite book: Don't have one.

Favorite alcoholic drink: Never drank in my life, so it's a something hundred way tie.

Favorite sport to watch: Don't like sports.

Best Friend: I have two, Bubba I've known since second grade, and Dan I've known since high school, recently convinced me I was being an idiot and not to lose a newer/recent friend over minor discrepancies.

Best online friends: Have to think this one over, probably two that moved away in the mid 90s that I'm still in touch with.

Say something nice about the person above you on this thread: Hmmm... Don't know klinton very well, but he's a good Legend of Zelda player who found everything in the SNES game!!! (except the staff of byrna *snicker*)

Of all the times you've posted, what's your best one ever?: Probably this one.. ..

...I think I'm done....

*hides his head under a pillow*

There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.

Put Natasha on the phone.
Who is this?
This is her fucking son's father. Who is this?
This is her fucking son.
Call back in 20 minutes. *click*

Boy, you could get lost in a sky like that. I wish I had those balloons again.