Real Name: Shannon Laura Thomasina Messer
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 12.04.1985 (god i hate my birthday, always a week behind thanksgiving "here shannon have some left over turkey..." )
Age:19 (goddamn i'm almost 20, denny's early bird here i come... )
previous residencewyandotte MI, southfeild MI, allen park MI
Hometown: (eastern) Detroit MI
Current Residence:Port Huron, MI (or as all the freakin' locals say it "port uron/urine MI)
Nationality:...this is gonna take awhile; 1/2 mexican..and various amounts of dutch, french, english, west indian, german, irish, and a smidge of asian..anoung alot of other things.
Marital Status: semi live in boyfriend of about five months.
children: spite all the jokes none as of yet, and since chances are slim medically that i'll have my own most likely adoption.
Height: 5"2
Weight: 100 - 110 lbs.
Eye Color: don't have an iris naturally, with contacts and a implant iris ring my eye color is in a glue-grey/grey-green range.
Hair Color: naturally a light brown, dye it a range of blonde though
Occupation: currently working at a independant agency operating my own consumer service business doing braille business cards, doctor profiles, menus, public transit paperwork...and so on. hoping for things to go well and get a second job screening phones at a radio station...and if that doesn't work its off to a call center or working for a hotline..damnit i always get hit on by telemarketers why not us that to my advantage.
languagesengrish, spanish, suburbian ebonics, latin (and pig latin..te heee) german arabic and hindi
Education: currently studying for the SAT and picking up eastern arabic. taking a course for fun at the community college in hindu studies. Hoping to get into UofM or Wayne state next spring/summer to study arabic culture and marketing..hey its paid for by the state i'm gonna double major.
Hobbies: Comics, writing, drawing/paint/sculpting etc. movies and the small attempts to get my band off the ground...yeah that won't happen.
Religion:roman catholic by birth, raised roman catholic with a slight agnostic feel. atheist and a bit (and growing on me) hindu by choice.
Politics: extremely liberal with progressive/socialism views. i'm hillary's lost child.
Relationships:well you all know of winged creature...but yeah..currently semi live in boyfriend of 5 months.
Favorite Films: kill bill, godfather movies, back to the future, harry potter movies, old school....just so many to name....
Favorite Books:just a few...neil gaiman, stephen king, dan brown, whitman, norah roberts and danielle steel....yes i like chick books too.
Favorite Comics: anything batman, have a current darknight obsession, catwoman, nightwing, spidey and some india comics.
Favorite Sports:ahem...HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY!!!!...and curling just for klinton.
Favorite TV Shows:uh, when i do watch the tube its ER, law and order, CSI and Justice league and if my ass is up i'll tune into adult swim. and food TV!!!
Favorite Music: I'm what you'd call "ecclectic". currently i love all forms of jazzand rock, big fan of modern and classic british rock. i also like alot of pre 90's rap and R&B, and some current stuff its good too
Favorite Foods/Restaurants: i love cooking...mainly mexican. but i love me some thai, indian, mexican or italia when i go out or whatever...but not bets a big o juicy ass burger.

And, to be fair, one of my favorite friends there is blind and I take every opportunity available to make fun of that and we're still friends. That guy never fit there. He never got the spirit of the RKMBs. We're gonna keep an eye on the obits, see if he finally left or if he really did have a heart attack.
2,506,410.81 CAD Rack points