Name: Keith

Sex: I'm a dude! Or if you want the anal answer, male.

Age: 23

Race: Half Greek/half Hillbilly. Somehow this has configured into what women call "absolutely gorgeous skin".

Height: 6'5"

Job: Grocery bitch until next Thursday. Then who knows!

Education: Majors in Medical Laboratory Technology and Mechanical Engineering. No degree and a year to go on each if/when I want to go back. I treat both like plagues. Excelled in writing and speech (which shocked the hell out of me. I hate talking to people!) abilities. Wanna be a fuckin' writer.

Hobbies: Music, working out, bar hopping, reading, writing.

Movies: Citizen Kane, The Big Lebowski, Blazing Saddles, The Road to Perdition, The Shawshank Redemption, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

Books: Almost anything by Gaiman. Just finished Good Omens. Great book, I recommend it. Currently starting on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and looking to get into some spy/espionage stuff to research my book idea.

Comic Books: Stray Bullets, Fables, 100 Bullets, Planetary, Ultimates. Most everything else I read I just read for the current writer then I'm off.

Religion: hrm. None for me right now, thanks.

Relationships: Single and having a hell of a time. Wouldn't mind having a girlfriend but currently sick to death of all the scandalous hoes my age that qualify as "women".

Children: I love children! I think it's because I act like one. Once went out with a girl who told me she hated kids, so I ditched her at a party. Wouldn't mind having my own one day. With that in mind, not anytime soon.

TV: Eh. Some cartoons here and there. Not much of a TV guy.

Music: Lots of stuff. Can't really nail anything down because my music collection is so full of different types of rock. A few rap CD's but it's not really my thing. It really doesn't fit my image at all.

Politics: A little bit of both sides. Well adjusted invidual who sees bullshit every which way over the fence and won't align myself with any party.