
the G-man said:
Really? Me too. In fact, before going to law school, I got my masters and bachelors in communications and economics.


I'm a Radio/Television Production major - a back-up to an acting career. I could've gone with the journalism track of the RTV program, since I like writing, but I figured the production track would give me more versatility. Besides, I don't like journalism because you can't be creative (well you can, depending on who you work for, but that wouldn't be right.) I learned how to write for news articles and televised news, and I can do it well if I have to, but it will always be something to do until I get to do what I really want to do (check out my website, if you want to find out more about what I've done and studied - the link is in my signature).


My studies indicate that the press skews liberal. Maybe not "Utne Reader/the Nation" liberal, but definitely somewhere left of center of liberal.

My studies never mentioned politics, actually. Every professor I ever had taught that when it came to journalism, we had to be objective and brush aside any personal biases. Any bias was wrong. We were also taught how to watch for bises so that we could learn what not to do. The only time I ever heard politics come into it was during a couple lectures about journalism, we were told that the point of having a constitutionally protected free press was so that the media could criticize the government. The press is meant to be the watchdogs of the government in order to keep the government honest. In theory, anyway.

I've also completed two internships for radio and television stations, and while there were a few people who held individual opinions and biases about current events, liberal and conservative alike, they kept their biases off the air and instructed me to do the same.

As for personal observations, I've seen a good deal of stories that portray the facts in a fair, objective light. I've seen some that demonstrate a liberal bias, and some that demonstrate a conservative bias. Most of the biases I see tend to happen in local news broadcasts, as opposed to national news.

And since I can only make observations and judgements about what I actually see, I can only conclude that there's no uniform bias throughout the media. I do not consider this to be the be-all-end-all definite conclusion of how the media works - merely an observation I feel justified in stating based on my own research. I'd be an idiot if I said that nobody in the media demonstrated a bias. I just don't feel that the biases represent the entire media as a whole.

There's only one thing about the media, I'll ever say for sure - if I doend up working in journalism, I will (try to) be 100% objective and fair. I'll make you a personal guarantee on that. Deal?

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script