If that's the case, good for you and your professors.

Unfortunately, a number studies have found that journalism students skew liberal. In other words, they were liberal before they began working as reporters.

And in a more recent study at Ithaca College, it was found that "the highest percentage of FRESHMAN students agreeing with prohibiting racist and sexist speech were in the (the College's) Roy H. Park School of Communications. Sixty-eight percent agreed [with censoring such speech]).


In other words, FRESHMAN journalism students, a group that one would THINK would be strongly in favor of ANY free speech, no matter how offensive, ENTER their program advocating in liberal poltical correctness and resulting censorship.

Also, you need to remember: if someone is biased, that bias can very easily color what they think is or isn't "objective."

Which is one of the points of this ABC News admission: the "mainstream Press" assumes that the liberal position is the nonideological one and the conservative position isn't.

Which is, itself, a biased view.