The New York Times defended its treatment of a letter written by a Marine killed in Iraq as "entirely fair" yesterday, after days of complaints by the soldier's family that the story misrepresented the 22-year-old's beliefs.

    It was the first public comment by the paper regarding the controversial excerpt from Cpl. Jeffrey Starr's letter in a story published Oct. 26.

    In a statement, the paper said the article was "entirely fair and so, within it, was our presentation of Cpl. Jeffrey Starr."

    Starr's family has been critical of the paper for selectively excerpting the letter and ignoring a passage in which he praised America's war mission.

    Starr's uncle, Timothy Lickness, said: "It was not complete and it left a wrong impression."

    The article quoted only part of the letter — which Starr intended to be read by his girlfriend if he died — in which he wrote: "I kind of predicted this . . . A third time just seemed like I'm pushing my chances."