
Jim Kour said:

The United States has witnessed a dramatic decrease in violent crime over the years. Midnight basketball or other feel-good programs did not achieve that. Tough law enforcement did. Meanwhile, the European countries -- France, United Kingdom, Germany especially -- so beloved of the US liberal media, are experiencing annual increases in their crime rates. Britain recently saw a female cop, an unarmed rookie, gunned down while answering a store alarm. The killing intensified the debate regarding the arming of British patrol officers. Yet, the British are not debating the issue of just punishment for the killing a police officer; they aren't debating capital punishment. Not yet, anyway.

The violent crime rate is a function of demographics. The higher the proportion of young males in a population, the more crime. As that segment ages, the crime rate drops. The high crime rates of the 70s and early 80s coincide with the young adulthood of the Boomers. As Boomers aged, the crime rate dropped. Expect to see a blip in rates as the Echos hit their stride. It won't be as big because Boomer birth rates were lower than their parents, reducing the numerator and increased life spans enlarge the denominator of the fraction.