
the G-man said:

magicjay38 said:
I just wish there were a channel that offered a left-wing perspective.

That was a good one, Jay.

The mainstream press is at best MOR in it's perspective. I consider the networks center right. I want a news network offering the same kind of advocacy for the left that Fox provides for the right. The Guardian (UK newspaper) of the airwaves.

Why did you post this in a different thread? Not pleased with the way it was going over there? If the discussion is to continue, here is the entire text of what I said:


MJ said:

What's all this crap about fair and balanced? Facts are meaningless without context and interpretation. Fox provides a view of the world from a conservative perspective. It's Rupert Murdoch's crowning achievment (he is a newsman afterall) and the content reflects his philosophy. He keeps his hands off the entertainment enterpises and Fox produces almost all the fresh and provocative TV programming out there. I take Fox News with a grain of salt and I don't watch the commentary. I just wish there were a channel that offered a left-wing perspective.