I really dig some modern comics. Vertigo is putting out some of the best stuff I've seen in the funnybook form. Preacher is my favourite comic of all time. Transmet comes to mind as something I've always enjoyed (say what you want about it, Ellis wrote what he wanted to and always had a definite end in mind. It's more than you can say for most superheroes). 100 Bullets is great.

The indy press is putting out some cool stuff. Everybody should read Oni's Hopeless Savages. If you read the second HS trade "Ground Zero" and don't cry, you have no damn heart.

Only the occasional superhero story is in any way interesting. The Marvel Knight's Daredevil (at least for the first few trades) is a great read. And that's not to say the recent ones are bad, I just haven't read them yet.
The first Ultimates story was great. The Ellis/Hitch Authority was fun. Most of Grant Morrison's superhero stuff is cool.
But lots of superheroes are just... dull. Rehashes of stuff that was done better forty years ago, and at the very least it's month-in-month-out "guy in tights punches villain in tights". Repeat.

Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!! -Brian Michael Bendis