
Danny said:

Dave said:

Danny, I kind of like Preacher in a vague tepid sort of way, and hate Transmet. To each his own: by the same authors, Planetary and Unknown Soldier were excellent.

I've found that Preacher is one of the most divisive comics when it comes to people's opinions that I've ever discussed. Which is probably part of the reason I like it.
A lot of people lump Ennis in the pigeonhole of violent, over the top, sex crazed cuss words comics, but that's just the fun window dressing on a damn good story. And I dig Steve Dillon's art. He can put more expression into a face than anyone else in the business.
Transmet, at the very least, I find amusing in a kooky alternate future with the occasional clever one liner thrown in sort of way.

Planetary is amazing. But I only have the first two TPBs, and I'm trying very hard to just collect the trades because I much prefer the format and I pretty much buy everything like that nowadays. So I have a huge wait before my next chunk of reading.

I haven't read Unknown Soldier. I'd like to. If I see the TPB for a decent price I might pick it up.

Danny is a fucktard.

Danny:Swallower and proud pounder of MEAT.