
I'm one of the Moderater for this (Marvels of SHAZAM!) group, but I'm going to speak anyway. Some of you may think I am an old fuddy-duddy, but I think I'm just choosy.

I read a small amount of the modern age stories and collect only JSA and the regulare JLA. I do not appreciate or like most art on the newer books. To me they look like grade school work and gross exageration. The stories also are lacking substance and seem to be just set-ups for large panels with butt-kicking galore. I don't need this. I do get as many of the Tarzan books as I can, but on those I was totally disgusted with Tarzan and Predator and the attempts to put Superman and Batman into the same world as Tarzan. To me, they were pure, unadulterated trash.

I tried to continue reading DC after the Crisis, but very few things fit my taste -- for one thing, they tried to rewrite so much history I had grown up with that I lost interest.

I had given up on Marvel for many years because of the deluge of soap opera storylines. Stories that never ended except in the middle of the book where new stories actually began. My wife had read Daredevil and Fantastic Four, but as stories became unending, she quit reading DD and when Sue Richards had a 15 month pregnancy, she decided that was too much. At the time of Franklin's birth, he was busy caring for her own 2-3 month old son. I tried to return and read Marvels when Heroes Reborn came out, but found that they were just retelling the old stories and padding them poorly and setting them in a later era. I totally lost interest.

So you see, there isn't a modern comic book out there that appeals to me.

Don The Elder

That's pretty much sums up my feelings about modern comics, except that I've never read but one issue of JSA, and I thought it was crap.

That's why I read manga like Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Yu Yu Hakusho and Ruroni Kenshin.