Yeah, I'm not a Geoff Johns fan either.

To me, Johns makes a weak attempt at the old-school writing style, but doesn't quite have the talent to pull it off.
I've sampled his JSA, FLASH, HAWKMAN, FLASH:IRON HEIGHTS, and a JLA/JSA graphic novel he did with Carlos Pacheco, and despite some nice art, I found all these stories rather flat, if not outright annoying.

The heroes are just so damn serious now. And a lot of the time, they don't even seem to enjoy being superheroes anymore. I miss the fun, playfulness, and infectious enthusiasm the old heroes had, up until around 1990 or so.

This cover from JLI 46, by Adam Hughes, captures well what's been missing in the current market:

A cover that really captures the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, and early 80's sense of fun and enthusiam you felt while reading a comic.
I love how in the JLI story, that even a cynic like Guy Gardner is absolutely ga-ga with admiration for General Glory. And the story harkens back to when our heroes weren't rude bad-attitude jerks.

I miss when heroes smiled at you on the covers, when Superman got struck by lightning and said "Hey, that tickles !", and stuff like that.
Heroes that inspired you with how much fun they were having. The sheer sense of wonder you felt while reading their adventures.

There are a few creators left doing that kind of work, like Paul Smith, Sergio Aragones, Adam Hughes, Frank Cho and a few others. But they are definitely a minority on the stands today.


"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."