Just to bring this topic back a bit more close to its initial theme, as Pig Iron began the topic on page 1...


Pig Iron said:
Rucka, Loeb, Kelly, Seagle, Casey, Azz(Ass)arello, Ennis, Millar, Bendis, Austen, Claremont, Winick, Lobdell, JMS, Tieri, Waid, Grayson, Priest, Marz, Robbie Morrison, and all the old farts who churn out shit now who used to be good.

All the current artists whose art looks like pure crap..the list is too long to name names.

Marvel Comics....sucks.

I suppose I should name a few people who keep me reading comics ..Brubaker, Johns, G. Morrison, Mignola, Busiek (sometimes), Ellis (sometimes), Art Adams, Templeton, Sprouse, Shanower, P C Russell, Darwyn Cooke, Alan Davis, Milligan ( I forgot a few) and some indy guys like Mills and Thompson..but that's about it. I'm about fed up and I am about to drop nearly everything I get except a couple of titles.

These modern writers pad everything, they take themselves way too seriously, They have no storytelling abilities, and they basically suck.

Sorry, but I've about had it.

I think for most of us, it's not all new books that are distasteful.
But we instead feel there is a clearly declining ratio of quality material.

I largely agree with Pig Iron, Shazamgrrl and others, who are very divergent in opinion, but still all express a clear preference for "old school" writing style in comics.

But I also agree with Joe Mama, that it's useful to point out both:
1) examples of what's good in the current stuff being published,
and also
2) examples of what's total excrement, and specifically defining why it's excrement and substandard to what was published in past eras.

Again, I doubt that we'll all agree 100% on what is "good" and what is "excrement".
These aren't math equations, these are stories we're discussing, and to a large degree, what's good and what's not is a matter of individual taste.

But we'll at least be able to clarify our own perspectives to help others understand each's viewpoint, and I hope, more respectfully
( respectfully, respectfully !! ) discuss the issue, and reach some common ground.

I already listed a bunch of examples of books I prefer, both positive and negative examples, on pages 1 and 2 of the topic.
I'll list more examples, both positive and negative examples, as they occur to me.

I encourage others to do the same.